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BooMac edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 1 revision

well its a long story but I am quitting the server so I will just say it briefly. 6 friends wanted to make a nation 1 friends didn't want that to happen so she pulled a fast one. She (Malyesa) betrayed all 5 of us by deleting the nation effectively ending the Caliphate and Ottoman empire. So then after this the heads of the Caliphate decided to exact revenge calling upon another Italian coking ILagWithShaders to delete Italia. Me (Boo_Mac) and Shaders shared the plan with retired staff windows_virus and naturally he betrayed me and told Malyesa and the plan failed. Then after this semi cooled down both me (Boo_Mac), Jobelspice, and Tkalash quit or are taking a long break with atlas. All in all the story started with 6 friends wanting to be in a nation and relax together ended with 3 of them quiting the server, all because of one command.

(do not change the exact words of this story just expand upon it if you wish too)

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