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Inverted Index Implementation

Language Used: C++

Dataset Used: Sports News Dataset

Sports News Dataset

The dataset consists of 181 documents about Sports news. It contains 4706 terms.


  • The dataset is tokenized manually by verifying whether a character is a whitespace or a punctuation.
  • It is truncated accordingly and added to the dictionary.
  • The dataset it tokenized using a function called ispunct(c) which takes in a character and returns whether it's a punctuation.
  • All the tokens are stored in a map which is part of the inverted index.

Data structures Used

  • I have used a map to store the terms, the document frequency and the address of the posting list.
  • This map forms the dictionary.
  • A map is used because it stores the terms sorted by default. This allows us to produce output in order.
  • A Binary Search Tree (BST) is used to store the posting lists.
  • A BST offers efficient search, insert, update and traversal functions with O(logn) complexity.


Time complexity - O(dnlogd) wher d is the total number of documents and n is the total number of terms. Space complexity - O(d*n) where d is the total number of documents and n is the total number of terms.

Creating an inverted index

  • Every document is traversed.
  • All the terms are tokenized in a line.
  • Every such obtained term in updated in the index.
  • It is updated in the map by adding its name if does not exists, updating its frequency.
  • Then, it's count is incremented or updated in the particular node for that document in the BST.
  • Appropriately, the BST is wrote to a file to store in a drive.


Inverted index is created using efficient data structures. The map is stored in memory and posting lists in drive.


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