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Runar Borge edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 12 revisions

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In-built Keybinds

Power Play has some in-built keybinds that are active when the window(s) are open:

Delete: Deletes the active item/image. Active on all three tabs.
ALT+Z: Undoes the last deletion. Active on the Games and Keybinds tab.
Escape: Close the current window. Active on all tabs/windows.

Games tab

Game list is populated with all your Steam games initially.

Select a game to edit game rules:

  • NVIDIA Vibrancy (50-100)
  • Block Windows Key
  • Block Alt-Tab

These settings will be applied when the game/program is active.

You can also change what screen you want the vibrancy changes applied to. Defaults to main screen. To select multiple screens, hold CTRL or SHIFT while selecting screens. If only one screen is detected, this setting will be grayed out.


Displays uploaded images and screencaps.

Multiple images can be selected. Images/gifs can be dropped onto the window to upload them.


  • Double click an image to copy the imgur link(s) to the selected image(s).
  • When uploading, queue can be paused. When paused, the queue can be cleared (aborted).

User can select maximum amount of images/gifs to be displayed in the settings.


System global keybinds can be created and deleted here.

If you have a recommendation for functionality to be added here, please contact me.
