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Task Tracking is a Web App in Angular and DotNet Core in two Docker Images


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Welcome to task-tracking !

Description of the project: a User sets up a new Task in the calendar week. When the Week is still open, other Tasks can be added. This is a demo to see how an Angular Application views a Dotnet Application.

Task-Tracking Description

Task-Tracking is a project based on Angular/.NET to process the managing a task through its life cycle. It involves planning, tracking, and reporting.

Task-Tracking can help either individual achieve goals, or groups of individuals collaborate and share knowledge for the accomplishment of collective goals.

Set up Angular App and .NET App

after downloading from git:

  • build Angular image:

./cd angular-api
./npm install @angular/cli
./ng build --aot --output-hashing=all
./docker build -t angular-api-image .
./docker images

you can see

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
angular-api-image   latest              afe501b7f54c        40 seconds ago      38.4MB
nginx               1.17.1-alpine       ea1193fd3dde        12 months ago       20.6MB

finally you run the image

./docker run --name angular-api-container -d -p 8080:80 angular-api-image
  • build .NET image:

./cd DotNetApi
./dotnet publish
./docker build -t dotnet-api-image -f Dockerfile .
./docker images

you can see

REPOSITORY                             TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
                                               c41340a5ad8e        32 seconds ago      790MB
dotnet-api-image                       latest              0282629a5076        32 seconds ago      208MB
angular-api-image                      latest              afe501b7f54c        11 minutes ago      38.4MB      3.1-buster          006ded9ddf29        13 days ago         705MB   3.1-buster-slim     014a41b1f39a        13 days ago         207MB
nginx                                  1.17.1-alpine       ea1193fd3dde        12 months ago       20.6MB

finally you run the image

./docker run --name dotnet-api-container -d -p 8081:80 dotnet-api-image

if you have problems to build, I suggest you to clean all Docker images:

./docker system prune -a


the images are running in docker desktop

docker desktop

the Angular App that manages the tasks


Architecture description

The Architecture is based on two main layers:

  • 1) Angular App for Front End (FE) to manage the dashboard in a Single Page Application (SPA);

  • 2) Dotnet Core App for Back End (BE) to manage the REST Microservices (API);

Angular Architecture description

The dashboard consists of three main components, a service for invoking the DotNet API and all the management of CSS styles.

Angular Color description

In Angular the dynamic coloring of the Task occurs through a "Color Queue Manager" called "QueueColor<T>". In QueueColor<T> we have four main operations:

  • next(): Node<T>, to retrieve the next element in a circular queue;

  • enqueue(data: T): void, to inject a new color;

  • dequeue(): T, to remove an old color;

  • isEmpty():, to check if the queue has colors again;

Angular Custom Pipe description

A Custom Pipe called "MyPipe" is a class that inherits from PipeTransform. Its function is to process a string and return it with an expression enclosed by two square brackets to highlight the name of the Task.

Angular Model and Service description

A Service called "ButtonsService" is responsible for handling incoming and outgoing DotNet API calls through the interface model called "ApiDataInterface":

  • id: unique identifier to retrieve the data from DB;

  • task: the name of the Task to assign;

  • color: the color of the Task;

  • dayStart: is a number that goes from 0 to 6, corresponds to the days of the week;

  • dayEnd: is a number that goes from 0 to 6, corresponds to the days of the week. This number cannot be less than the start date.

The operators of "ButtonsService":

  • initColors(): the method initializes the color queue (it is invoked by the constructor);

  • add(): the method adds a new Task in memory;

  • clear(): the method cleans the weekly plan;

  • load() / get(): call the DotNet API MyAPI/get returning an Observable type interface;

  • save() / put(): call the DotNet API MyAPI/put with the control of the Subscriber if the call goes wrong;

other Angular Components description

  • buttons.component: rendering of the button panel that calls the ButtonsService and MyPipe;

  • my-input.component: rendering of the input panel;

  • task-color: Task style rendering;

.NET Architecture description

The architecture is developed on API controller, payload model and CORS configuration.

  • MyAPIController: handles API calls;

  • ApiDataClass: API model;

  • Startup.cs: CORS configuration;

  • Program.cs: initializes the application;

  • Dockerfile: the Docker configuration;


Task Tracking is a Web App in Angular and DotNet Core in two Docker Images







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