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114 lines (78 loc) · 2.43 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (78 loc) · 2.43 KB

Coding Style Guide

Folder Layout

  • Images to be put in ./src/assets/images and css in ./src/assets/css.

File Layout

  1. Imports
  2. Reusable components needed for the main component
  3. Main component (Eg: Addons in addons.js)
  4. export default MainComponent;
  • Use mylog function instead of console.log!

Reusable components

  • Do not make a new file for smaller components.
  • Smaller, reusable components needed in the main components should be added above the main component, not inside it.


  1. CSS:

    • Use as little custom css as possible.
    • Use bootstrap classnames instead of creating your own.
    • Make sure your classnames are unique and dont affect any other part of app.
    • Take primary/secondary/muted etc color from bootstrap instead of putting their values manually.
    /* bad */
    .myclass {
      color: #bcbcbc;
    /* good */
    .myclass {
      color: var(--muted);
  2. Images:

    Put images in the src/assets/images/<module> folder and add it in utils/getIcons and use from there.

  3. New Components:

    Put new components in src/components/<module>/<component>.js file.

  4. New Pages:

    Put new pages in src/pages/<page>.js file. If the page is at a sub path eg. /group/scrum it should be in src/pages/group/Scrum.js.

    The structure of src/pages folder should mimic the routes available.

  5. JS:

    • Use a space after if, for, while, switch.
    • Do not use a space after the opening ( and before the closing ).
    • Use a space before and after destructuring objects.
    const { apple, mangoes } = fruits;
    const { apple, mangoes } = fruits;
    //Same for destructuring props:
    const BeautifulComponent = ({ prop1, prop2 }) => {};
    const UglyComponent = ({ prop1, prop2 }) => {};
  6. JSX:

    • Use a space before the forward slash (/) of a self-closing tag
    <Foo />
    • Do not use spaces for JSX curly braces
    <Foo bar={baz} />
    <Foo bar={ baz } />


  • Use camelCase for prop names, or PascalCase if the prop value is a React component.

  • Use new lines when props do not fit on the same line.

    <Foo prop1={value1} prop2={value2} prop3={value3} />