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What is Faust?

Faust (Functional Audio Stream) is a functional programming language for sound synthesis and audio processing with a strong focus on the design of synthesizers, musical instruments, audio effects, etc. Faust targets high-performance signal processing applications and audio plug-ins for a variety of platforms and standards.

What is faust2smartphone?

faust2smartphone is a tool to generate interactive musical mobile application embeded Faust API.



-Make sure you have already installed FAUST first

Check Faust Quick Start for the language usage, and follow the installation instruction on its Github

-Get faust2smartphone from GitHub

git clone

-Install all the sources

cd install

sudo make install


How To Use

Open your terminal, cd to the folder you work, tap "faust2smartphone -help" to know more.

1) For Simple Project

fasut2smartphone -ios/-android toto.dsp

In Xcode or Android Studio project, DspFaust is added, create your own interface.

Please check the exmaple code in examples/1_Simple_Mode

2) For Motion lib support Project

fasut2smartphone -iosmotion/-androidmotion toto.dsp

In Xcode or Android Studio project, DspFaust and DspFaustMotion is added, create your own interface or use the default. (Like this mode is specially designed for projet Smart Hand Computer, so the CueManager interface is ready to call by -cuemanager)

Motion.lib created by Christophe Lebreton

// Of cause you could always call accelerometer/gyroscope in UI with traditional Faust syndax:

    parameter = nentry("UIparamName [acc/gro: a b c d e]",def,min,max,step);

// And you could call mobile device attitude sensor value:
// [yaw, raw, pitch, quaternionw, quaternionx, quaterniony, quaternionz]

    parameter = nentry("yaw",def,min,max,step);

// Or if you want use the methode in Motion.lib with the syndax

    parameter = nentry("UIparamName [motion: descriptorName]",def,min,max,step);

// If you want show some parameters in the UI, declare showName in the metada

    parameter = nentry("UIparamName [showName: paramName]",def,min,max,step);

Here is motion descriptor list you can call in you code:

//============= ACCELEROMETER SHOCK TRIGGER ===============
// setting of user sensibility to trig with a antirebond , p->positive axe; n->nagative axe
    + sxp syp szp
    + sxn syn szn
//============= INCLINOMETER TO GRAVITY ===============
// accelerometer -> inclinometer
    + ixp iyp izp
    + ixn iyn izn
    + ixpn iypn izpn
//accelerometer -> inclinometer positive & negative axe sens combined to compare gravity symetric 0->1->0
    + ixpn_sym iypn_sym izpn_sym
// accelerometer -> inclinometer -> projection to gravity positive axe sens
    + pixp piyp pizp
    + pixn piyn pizn
//============= ACCELEROMETER TOTAL ACCELERATION with gravity removed ===============
// totalmotion don't dpeant of specific orientation, only the quantity of global acceleration create a modulation
// normalized 0 to 1
    + axpn aypn azpn
    + axp ayp azp
    + axn ayn azn
    + totalaccel
//============= GYROSCOPES ===============
// les gyroscopes des iPhones ont un range max de +/- 2000deg/sec => 34,906 radians.s-1
// les valeurs reçues par le smartphone sont en radian.s-1
// pour un iPhoneSE on obsverve un bruit de +/- 0.01 radian.s-1 ce qui inférieur à 1 degré ( 1 dégré ~ 0.017 radian)
// smooth is need to remove artefact from signal/vector_size setting
    + gxpn gypn gzpn
    + gxp gyp gzp
    + gxn gyn gzn
    + totalgyro

// Calculate distance for each axe compared to 6 poles
// Left Hand => brasG; Right Hand => brasD; Head => tete; Foot => pieds; Chest => ventre; Back => dos
// State left => jardin; State right => cour; State up => up; State down => down; State front => front; State back => rear;
    + brasG_cour brasG_rear brasG_jardin brasG_front brasG_down brasG_up
    + pieds_cour pieds_rear pieds_jardin pieds_front pieds_down pieds_up
    + dos_cour dos_rear dos_jardin dos_front dos_down dos_up
    + brasD_cour brasD_rear brasD_jardin brasD_front brasD_down brasD_up
    + tete_cour tete_rear tete_jardin tete_front tete_down tete_up
    + ventre_cour ventre_rear ventre_jardin ventre_front ventre_down ventre_up

In your .dsp file, declare motion controller you need, like:

** simple motion support **

// Active Motion controller

titi = hslider("titi[motion:ixp]",0,0,1,0.01);

toto = hslider("toto[motion:brasG_cours]",0,0,1,0.01);

tata = hslider("tata[motion:ventre_front]",0,0,1,0.01);

** motion support + cue manager **

// Active Cue

cue = nentry("cue",0,0,3,1);

// Active Touch Screen

touchGate = checkbox("touchgate");

// Active Touch Pad X,Y

touchX = hslider("screenx",0,0,1,0.01);

touchY = hslider("screeny",0,0,1,0.01);


[motionUI] interface support in iOS Motion Mode && Android Motion Mode

In your FAUST .dsp file, declare [motionUI] interface you need in metadata, which will positioned in the screen. [motionUI] interface's types have normal types and special funtions:

[motionUI] metadata format:
[motionUI:TabTitle Types X Y W H R G B A]

TabTitle => [motionUI] could be put in several tabs or the same tab if they have the same title name

X Y W H R G B A => [motionUI] frame Coordination X/Y; Width/Height [in percent 0-100] => [motionUI] frame Color in Red/Green/Blue/Alpha [0-255]

[motionUI] interface types:

//Normal FaustUI-like types

"button" => touch down->1, touch up->0

button01 = button("B1 [motionUI: Buttons button 0 0 50 50 0 255 0 200] [osc:/button01]");

"checkbox" => touched up->1 (selected), touched up again->0 (unselected), verse versa

toggle02 = checkbox("T2 [motionUI: Toggles checkbox 50 0 50 50 0 255 0 200] [osc:/toggle02]");

"hslider" => touch move in the UI horizontally, scaled from MIN to MAX

hslider03 = hslider("hslider03 [motionUI: Hsliders hslider 0 50 100 25 255 255 0 200] [osc:/hslider03]",0,0,1,0.001);

"vslider" => touch move in the UI vertically, scaled from MIN to MAX

vslider04 = vslider("vslider04 [motionUI: Vsliders vslider 75 0 25 100 255 255 255 200] [osc:/vslider04]",0,0,1,0.001);

//Special FaustUI-like types

"trigCounter" => "button" trigger, touched up to advance a counter from MIN to MAX in loop

select_sample = nentry("Trig_Your_Sample [motionUI:SmartFaust trigCounter 50 0 50 50 255 0 0 255]", 1, 1, 10, 1);

"pad" touch Pad depending touch position => touch down->1 , touch up->0 (send to FaustUI which declares "pad") => touch move in the UI, coordination X scaled from MIN to MAX sent to FaustUI which declares ending with "_X", coordination Y scaled from MIN to MAX sent to FaustUI which declares ending with "_Y"

touchGate01 = checkbox("Pad1 [motionUI: Pads pad 0 0 50 50 0 255 255 200] [osc:/pad01]");
touch01X = hslider("Pad1_X [osc:/pad01x]",0,0,1,0.001);
touch01Y = hslider("Pad1_Y [osc:/pad01y]",0,0,1,0.001);

//Special Motion mode actions types


NOTA: an altenative way to not use original Cue Manager interface, Faust UI "/cue" must be declared to activate Cue Manager

=> "button" trigger, touched up to trigger "goCue" "nextCue" => "button" trigger, touched up to trigger "nextCue" "prevCue" => "button" trigger, touched up to trigger "prevCue" "initCue" => "button" trigger, touched up to trigger "initCue"

NOTA: special metadata [motionCueManage:] could be declared in Faust UI "/cue" to map Cue Tips and Cue Orders

cueNum = nentry("cue [motionUI: Cue trigCue 0 0 50 30 255 0 0 150] [motionCueManage: {0:'init'; 1:'rainGen'; 2:'windGen'; 3: 'sinusGen'}]",0,0,3,1);
trigNextCue = button("goNext [motionUI: Cue nextCue 50 30 50 30 255 255 0 150]");
trigPrevCue = button("goPrev [motionUI: Cue prevCue 0 30 50 30 255 255 0 150]");
trigInitCue = button("initCue [motionUI: Cue initCue 50 0 50 30 255 255 255 150]");


NOTA: an altenative way to setRef of motion.lib, Faust UI "/setref_rota" need to be declared only if you want to using OSC for example

=> "button" trigger, touched up to trigger "setRef"

trigsetRef = button("setref_rota[osc:/setRef][motionUI: Master setRef 50 0 50 25 0 0 255 255]");

Please check the exmaple code in examples/2_Motion_Mode

3) For Faust Non-audio Plugin Support Project

fasut2smartphone -iosplugin/-androidplugin toto.dsp

In Xcode or Android Studio project, DspFaust is added, create your own interface and plug it to your process. Please check the exmaple code in examples/3_Plugin_Mode

4) For Specific Functions

"-osc" for OSC support.(Make sure you have dependecies installed)

"-soundfile" for build-in soundfile support.(Make sure you have dependecies installed)

"-cuemanager" for using Cue Maneger system

"./updatecue toto" to update your cue manager.

5) Compile Application

After edit your project, compile your app for your device using the command below or launch via you IDE.

./compile -ios/android toto



A tool to generate interactive musical mobile application embeded Faust API






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