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Jakob Russel edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 13 revisions

Note: mvabund is not included by default in the various functions, as it is slow. It can be included by including "mva" in the tests argument.

Overview of methods

Abbr. (link) Response Paired/Blocked Covars Normalization Transf. Model
ANCOM-BC abc All No Yes Bias-correction Log-linear
ALDEx2 adx Two-class No No ILR Poisson/Dirichlet
ANOVA aov Multi-class No Yes TSS (2) Gaussian
ANOVA - ALR aov Multi-class No Yes ALR Gaussian
ANOVA - CLR aov Multi-class No Yes CLR Gaussian
ANOVA log lao Multi-class No Yes TSS (2) Log (3) Gaussian
ANOVA log #2 lao2 Multi-class No Yes TSS Log Gaussian
baySeq bay Two-class No No Quantile (4) Negative Binomial
Correlation - Pearson pea Quantitative No No TSS (2) Bivariate Normal
Correlation - Spearman spe Quantitative No No TSS (2) Nonparametric
DESeq2 ds2x Categorical Yes, as covariate Yes RLE Negative Binomial
DESeq2 man. geoMeans ds2 Categorical Yes, as covariate Yes RLE (5) Negative Binomial
EdgeR - Exact test ere Two-class No No TMM Negative Binomial
EdgeR - Exact test2 ere2 Two-class No No RLE Negative Binomial
EdgeR - Quasi likelihood erq All Yes, as covariate Yes TMM Negative Binomial
EdgeR - Quasi likelihood2 erq2 All Yes, as covariate Yes RLE Negative Binomial
Friedman Rank Sum test fri Multi-class Exclusively No TSS (2) Nonparametric
GLM - Negative binomial neb All Yes, as random effects Yes None (1) Negative Binomial
GLM - Poisson poi All Yes, as random effects Yes None (1) Poisson
GLM - Quasi-poisson qpo All No Yes None (1) Quasi-poisson
GLM - ZI Negative Binomial znb All No Yes None (1) Zero-inflated Negative binomial
GLM - ZI Poisson zpo All No Yes None (1) Zero-inflated Poisson
Kruskal-Wallis test kru Multi-class No No TSS (2) Nonparametric
LIMMA lim All Yes, as random effects Yes TSS (2) Gaussian
LIMMA - ALR lim All Yes, as random effects Yes ALR Gaussian
LIMMA - CLR lim All Yes, as random effects Yes CLR Gaussian
LIMMA log lli All Yes, as random effects Yes TSS (2) Log (3) Gaussian
LIMMA log #2 lli2 All Yes, as random effects Yes TSS Log Gaussian
LIMMA voom vli All Yes, as random effects Yes TMM Voom Gaussian
Linear regression lrm All Yes, as random effects Yes TSS (2) Gaussian
Linear regression - ALR lrm All Yes, as random effects Yes ALR Gaussian
Linear regression - CLR lrm All Yes, as random effects Yes CLR Gaussian
Linear regression log llm All Yes, as random effects Yes TSS (2) Log (3) Gaussian
Linear regression log #2 llm2 All Yes, as random effects Yes TSS Log Gaussian
MetagenomeSeq featuremodel msf Two-class No No CSS Zero-inflated Lognormal
MetagenomeSeq ZIG zig All Yes, as random effects Yes CSS Log Zero-inflated Gaussian
Mvabund mva All Yes, as covariate Yes None (1) Negative Binomial
Permutation test per Two-class Yes No TSS (2) Nonparametric
Quade test qua Multi-class Exclusively No TSS (2) Nonparametric
SAMseq sam All Yes No Resampling Nonparametric
Welch t.test ttt Two-class Yes No TSS (2) Gaussian
Welch t.test - ALR ttt Two-class Yes No ALR Gaussian
Welch t.test - CLR ttt Two-class Yes No CLR Gaussian
Welch t.test log ltt Two-class Yes No TSS (2) Log (3) Gaussian
Welch t.test log #2 ltt2 Two-class Yes No TSS Log Gaussian
Welch t.test Rank-normalization ttr Two-class Yes No Rank (Gaussian)
Wilcoxon wil Two-class Yes No TSS (2) Nonparametric
Table descriptions:
  • (1): Log of library sizes used as offset when relative = TRUE
  • (2): None when relative = FALSE
  • (3): Log transformation is done before normalization (as opposed to after)
  • (4): This can be be changed to TSS or TMM
  • (5): This version of DESeq2 uses manual geometric means which handle zeroes differently than the default. See more here
  • TSS: Total Sum Scaling
  • TMM: Trimmed Mean by M-value
  • RLE: Relative Log Expression
  • CSS: Cumulative Sum Scaling
  • ILR: Isometric Log-Ratio
  • ALR: Additive Log-Ratio
  • CLR: Centered Log-Ratio

Paired permutation test

A paired permutation test is implemented specifically for this package. The test is similar to the original, but with a different test statistic and permutation scheme. The permutations are constrained in the paired version such that the predictor is only permuted within each level of the paired argument (e.g. subjects). The test statistic first finds the log-ratio between the two predictor levels (e.g. case and control) for each level of the paired argument and the final statistic is the mean of these log-ratios.

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