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Template for docker, deploy and E2E tests

Tech stack:

  • fontend: Nginx, React (CRA boilerplate, E2E jest tests with puppeteer)

  • backend: Node.js (Express), GraphQL

  • database: MySql, PhpMyAdmin (only locally)

Secure your project

You should definitely exclude from repository files below

Remember to uncomment (prepared section lines) this files in .gitignore

  1. ./env
  2. ./frontend/dev.env
  3. ./frontend/prod.env
  4. ./frontend/nginx/auth/.htpasswd

Files to modification

  • Github CI/CD scripts ./.github/workflows/dev.deploy-and-tests.yml (especially deploy directories)
  • All .env files from secure section and .htpasswd you can generate new password in htpasswd genertor
  • Database in docker build- here should be different approach (it is included here only for demonstration purposes)


After cloning repository depends of environment that you want to run service you do it through:

  • Prod version
docker-compose -f up -d
  • Dev version
docker-compose -f up -d
  • local version
  1. Way (for testing whole service structures)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d
  1. Way (recommended for developing)
docker-compose up -d

More info about how to run particular service you can find in ./frontend/ and ./backend/

Store your backend files in directory ./backend/uploads/data/ on your server