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NIFTY Movement Prediction (NOT TIME SERIES FORCATIONG), based on Volumes, Forex movement, GSec movement, Oil change movement, FII and DII movement.

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NIFTY Movement Prediction (NOT TIME SERIES FORCATIONG), based on Volumes, Forex movement, GSec movement, Oil change movement, FII and DII movement.



To predict the NIFTY change for the day based on the chnage in variables like, NIFTY Volumes, FII & DII flows, crude oil, FX volatility etc.


Data Mining

Exploratory Data analysis

In the following study, following are the main features,

  • Oil Price movement
  • GSEC (Indian Government Bond price movement)
  • VIX (Volatility INDEX)
  • FII (Foreign Institutional Investors) and DII (Domestic Institutional Investors)
  • FX (USD INR currency pair movement)
  • Nifty Volumes (Buy and Sell of Shares of top 50 companieson NSE) 

For the Nifty daily change, we had belief that there is significant involvement of Volumes on daily bases. Either direction of Nifty (significantUp or Down) needs to be supported by the high volumes and vise- versa.

We decided to create two new features based on the volume.

  • Avg2day = Volumes moving average of previous two days, with condition to the lead day. If 2 day Avg is less than lead day 'High' else'Low'
  • VolumeTrend = Trend to check BULL, WEAKBULL, BEAR or WEAKBEAR market condition based on NiftyCHG and Avg2day. VolumeTrend to check how Volumes have an influence on Nifty! 

We also extract data for Nifty PE and create feature namesNifty_Yld. [#Generally, NIFTY Yield is Lower than Gsec bond Yield, Stock Market is overvalued.]

Feature Analysis

We did some intresting feature analysis with the help of Tableau.

FII & DII flows and Nifty Change

In the following chart, we have shown theFII (Foreign Institutional Investments) and DII (Domestic InstitutionalInvestments) net flows in quarterly bases since Q1 2008. Green line mentioned in a chart indicatedthe change in Nifty.

Generally, when FII buys, DII sells and vice versa.  Plus, we can also notice thatwhen FII sells, NIFTY returns are negative and vice versa. Also, we can saythat FIIs have more influence on NIFTY than DIIs.

However, Q2 2009 there is sharp hike in NIFTY returns because index gave -23.6% in Q1 2009. Also, this time is considered as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) started with real estate crash inthe US.

Another contradiction noted in Q1 2020, and this event is lockdown lead by COVID19. In next quarter DIIs net purchase was more than Rs. 72,000 cr, which pulled NIFTY up. And in the following quarters FIIs were back with net positive purchase which let the NIFTY to reach an all time high mark.

Tree Chart, Day wise change in NIFTY

This is an interesting chart of NIFTY returnsbased on day for selected period. We have noticed that Date 29th ofevery month is registered as the highest return earner of the day, which is alsoone of the highest counts in the selected period.

Similarly, 24th is the leaseprofit making day if any did intraday trading for the day for long positions. 

Forex (USD:INR) Change with FII and NIFTY

In the following chart we tried to presentthe relationship between Forex change and FII flows. Because, when INR appreciates, means risk-free returns for the FIIs and vice versa. For, INR appreciates mean INR 70 -> INR 65 with respect to USD.

Now, as we see Year 2011, INR depreciatedby 22.62% and FII flows were also net negative following with negative returnson NIFTY.

In macroeconomics, Investors are comfortable with INR depreciation as we can notice 2012, 2014, 2019, 2020. These years also had low volatility in FX change compared to 2013, 2015 and2017. Hence, high change in FX rate either way is not a concern for foreign investors, on the other hand, steady change / small directional change can bemore comfortable for foreign investors to take strategic positions.

Rank Chart

Following rank chart indicatesrank (% wise returns ) on NIFTY, Oil, Gsec bond and Currency.

Here, NIFTY (Green Line) and GsecBond (Light Green Line) higher rank means positive portfolio returns. Gsec Bond generally considered as Risk free rate of return and Banks Fixed Deposit ratesoften correlated to it.

For FX (Yellow Line) and Oil (RedLine) - except Year 2017 – has seen negative correlation. This is considered normal, because as Oil prices increase (India’s major Import item) FX comesunder stress, and this leads to outflow of high USD. And outflow of USD makes the INR weak. 

Hypothesis Statement

Null Hypothesis: Nifty Movement is based on Macro economic factors like, Oil, FX, FII etc.

Alternate Hypothesis: Nifty Movement is based on technical factors, like news, trading pattern etc.

Model Building

Data for daily observation is from 4 March 2008 to 22 Jan 2021.

As we mentioned earlier, this study is not based on Time Series prediction. And hence, we randomly create two data sets 1. Train and 2. Validation

In this study we performed Five different studies, All the studies wereon same dataset, However, following are the performances on the different studies,

Study 1 to 4 is on the same dataset and frequency is daily, and for Study 5 data frequency is monthly.

  • Study 1: We did this study with REMOVE Multicollinearity variables only and no change in outliers ornormalization.
  • Study 2: Same dataset from Study 1, However, we did Next Day Impact on Nifty Chg : As many events get impacted on Next day Chg
  • Study 3: In this Study we didn’t remove any multicollinearity or normalizingor outliers etc. Basically, this study was based on raw data.
  • Study 4: In this study, we Removed Multicollinearity, we did normalizationof features, and also removed Outliers from the data
  • Study 5: This study is on a separate dataset, the data is based on monthly frequency.

For model building we use Linear Regression, as our dependent variableis continuous numeric value. And for performance measurement we used RMSE, RSquared and MAE matrices.

Purpose to conducting these different studies was to see the difference inresults. Theories say, we should always remove the outliers, there should be no multicollinearity etc. But, in these separate studies, we’ll get to know which method is good for better results.

Data for monthly observation is from April 2008 to Jan 2021.

In macroeconomic context, change in the macro environment would not impact within days, and hence, to check that we also did study based on nifty andother independent variables on monthly patterns.

Time frame for the Data: daily and monthly observations are similar. Of Course observation for daily is around 30 times more than monthly dataset observations. On the Monthly dataset we use Linear Regression. In this study we add onemore feature, Gold! 

Results Analysis

As we can see in the results table,

Best performing model is from Study 3, However, we consider Study 2model is the least accurate predictor model for the Nifty [This is surprising!]

  • Study 1, where we removed multicollinearity from the data has given decent performance. Where, RSquared is 56% and RMSE is 0.8%

  • Study 2, surprisingly, this model is not working, where we modified the Nifty Change with respect to next day change. That means, change (volatility) in other features such as, FX, Oil etc, should impact on Nifty volatility on next day. But this is not correct and models failed to perform.

  • Study 3, is the best performing model out of all studies we performed. Models are built on raw data. However, RMSE is 0.73%, and we are still not convinced with this performance. Generally, in a day nifty moves in the range bond fashion 0.1- 0.5 % up or down. And that is where our model fails with RMSE of 0.73%.  To implement this model in the live market weneed at max 0.2-0.3% of RMSE and not more than that.

However, we did study this model based on a new dataset from 1stFeb, 2021 to 21st May 2021.

  • RMSE: 0.012515
  • RSquared: 0.7626
  • MAE: 0.008855

  • Study 4, is okay, based on normalization and data also do not include extreme outliers. 

  • Study 5, is based on monthly frequency. Many times macro information couldnot reflect on daily bases, but can be seen on monthly basis. Interesting thing about Study 5 compared to all studies is that RMSE of 5.5% is normal, as nifty volatility on monthly frequency is normal inthis range.   


Simple but wise thinking..  Why it's relatively easy to predict the movement of stars and planets and very complex things, but not certain accuracy on the Stock market prediction. 

  • In prediction models, analysts use many valuable features from macro to micro levels. Even models which are running on Bloomberg software also feed the latest information too quickly to make decisions.  And yet no consistency on prediction results. Few bets favourable, few unfavourable!

  • One person I follow is Martin Armstron. He developed Socrates to predict not only the stock market but many interesting assets markets to countries and economies cycles. What I know is Socrates uses more than 2000 to 3000 different variables to conclude the situation. 

  • But why is it still difficult to predict the exact situation? 

  • What I learn from experience is - Human Emotions. There is no formula / no model which can interpret human emotions. 

- If I have to share one experience, on Opportunity Lost due to my own habits and emotions.  I remember when I became health conscious and decided NOT to invest in a company who sells Pizzas and Donuts, because If I become health conscious today, many more people will follow the same tomorrow and ultimately Pizza sales will fall.  Yes, Jubilant Foodworks. However, it happened in total reverse. And I lost an opportunity, becauses many more people out there still love pizzas. And this is increasing day by day. Yup! I am still health conscious, and don't eat Pizza and Donuts much. 

  • If one needs to predict the stock market with n numbers of variables, one should first study human emotions.


NIFTY Movement Prediction (NOT TIME SERIES FORCATIONG), based on Volumes, Forex movement, GSec movement, Oil change movement, FII and DII movement.






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