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Remove include from base tsconfig
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RyanCavanaugh committed Jun 27, 2018
1 parent 3b81865 commit 8a5762f
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Showing 2 changed files with 60 additions and 2 deletions.
61 changes: 60 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1 +1,60 @@
# learn-a
# Lerna + Project References

This is a "bare minimum" repo that shows one way to configure TypeScript Project References with lerna. There are a lot of different ways you can set things up and this isn't intended to be authoratitive guidance or exclusionary of other ways that might work better in your project.

### General Structure

As with a normal lerna repo, there's a `packages` folder. Inside we have three creatively named packages `pkg1`, `pkg2`, and `pkg3`.

| tsconfig.settings.json
| tsconfig.json
| pkg1/
| tsconfig.json
| src/
| | (typescript files)
| lib/
| | (javascript files)
| | (.d.ts files)
| pkg2/
| (same as pkg1)
| pkg3/
| (same as pkg1)

Let's review each file in the repo and explain what's going on

#### `tsconfig.settings.json`
"compilerOptions": {
// Always include these settings
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"sourceMap": true,
// These settings are totally up to you
"esModuleInterop": true,
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs",
"strict": true
This file contains the "default" settings that all packages will use for compilation. You will definitely want the `composite`, `declaration`, `declarationMap`, and `sourceMap` settings enabled for all projects, so include those in this file. Other settings, like `target` and `strict`, can be specified here if you'd like to enable them by default. You'll also be able to override these settings on a per-package basis if needed.

#### `tsconfig.json`
"files": [],
"references": [
{ "path": "pkg1" },
{ "path": "pkg2" },
{ "path": "pkg3" }
This file is pretty simple - simply list the packages that need to be built with `tsc` in the `references` array.
You should also
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion packages/tsconfig.json
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"files": [],
"include": [],
"references": [
{ "path": "pkg1" },
{ "path": "pkg2" },
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