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A simple HTML template engine. Basically implements ejs syntax.


You can simply run the examples here with

$ npm run serve:examples
var Leopard = require('leopard-template')
var leo = new Leopard()
var tpl = '<p>I am <%= name %>!</p>'
var data = {
  name: 'Leopard'

var html = leo.compile(tpl, data) // '<p>I am Leopard!</p>'

Or just render a file:

var path = require('path')
var app = require('connect')()
var Leopard = require('leopard-template')
var leo = new Leopard()

app.use('/test', function(req, res) {
    path.resolve(__dirname, './test.tpl'),
    function(err, html) {
      req.write(html, 'utf-8')

Note: compileFile is only available at server side, so we build two versions, if you want to use Leopard directly in browsers, use leopard.browser.js, otherwise you'll have to use leopard.server.js.


Install leopard-template via npm

$ npm install leopard-template

Then import leopard-template in whatever way you want

// ES6 import
import Leopard from 'leopard-template'

// CommonJS require
var Leopard = require('leopard-template')

// and then you can start render your templates
// var leo = new Leopard()

Or load it with html script tag

<script src="./node_modules/leopard-template/dist/leopard.browser.min.js"></script>


var leo = new Leopard(config)
  • cache: cache Function body


Leopard simply implements ejs syntax.

Wrap statements like for or if in <% ... %>, expressions in <%= ... %>, and raw HTML in <%- ... %>

Plain Text

var data = {
  name: 'Leopard'
var text = '<p>I am <%= name %>!</p>'


var data = {
  name: '<em>Leopard</em>'
var text = '<p>I am <%- name %>!</p>'


var data = {
  isOk: false,
  nickname: 'leo',
  realname: 'leopard'
var conditions_1 = '<p>I am Leopard<%= \', AKA \' + (isOk ? nickname : realname) + \'!\' %></p>'
var conditions_2 = '<% if (isOk) { %>' +
  '<span class=\"nickname\"><%= nickname %></span>' +
  '<% } else { %>' +
  '<span class=\"realname\"><%= realname %></span>' +
  '<% } %>'


var loops = 'Now I repeat: ' +
  '<ul>' +
  '<% for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { %>' +
  '<li>I am Leopard!</li>' +
  '<% } %>' +


Filters are now supported in Leopard, you can customize a filter with Leopard.filter:

var Leopard = require('leopard-template')
Leopard.filter('toUpperCase', function(string) {
  return string.toUpperCase()

var text = '<p><%= 'leopard' | toUpperCase %></p>' // <p>LEOPARD</p>

And also, filters can be chained:

// `reverse` is a preset filter
var text = '<p><%= 'leopard' | toUpperCase | reverse %></p>' // <p>DRAPOEL</p>


$ npm run test