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Ryan Pattison edited this page Feb 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Gearboy wiki!

How to Submit a Bug

Please include the version number, your device, and the log files.

Save Files

Save files are stored in /home/phablet/.local/share/gearboy.rpattison/. Filenames are created from the name of the game stored in the cartridge. These names are short abbreviations that uniquely identify a game, so it should be easy enough to find the correct .gearboy save file for your game. To get access to your save you can use Ubuntu File Manager by enabling the unlocking full access and show hidden file options in the menus. Save files are automatically loaded for your game at startup, you should only need the save file for backup.

Log Files

To access log files to help with bug reporting. Install Log Viewer. Open log viewer and navigate to the log file application-click-gearboy.rpattison_gearboy_MAJOR.MINOR.log where MAJOR and MINOR are the version you are submitting a report for. In the log file, the menu allows you to export to pastebin and will copy the url to your clipboard. Please include this url in any bug reports.


Haptic feedback / vibrations are enabled and disabled system wide through the System Settings app. Open the Sound settings and look under "Other sounds", there you can enable or disable "Other vibrations".

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