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CNN neural network for Speech Onset Time(SOT) detection in Mandarin


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MandSOT: Mandarin Speech Onset Time (SOT) Detection Using Machine Learning

MandSOT is a machine learning model, employing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, trained for the automated detection of Speech Onset Time (SOT) in Mandarin speech.



Mandarin Speeches

  • EEG Picture Naming Records
    • Source
      • Institution: Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
      • Research Lead: Dr. Xiaocong Chen Github Profile Google Scholar
    • Dataset Description
      • This collection comprises a total of 12,522 audio recordings in WAV format, sampled at 48kHz. These recordings were captured as part of an EEG study focusing on Mandarin speech.
    • Speaker Details
      • Number of Speakers: 38
      • Language: Mandarin
    • Annotations
      • Each recording is accompanied by precise Speech Onset Time (SOT) annotations. These annotations have been meticulously marked using Praat by Dr.Xiaocong CHEN and others.

Acoustic Noises

  • DEMAND Dataset
  • Other Noises
    • Background noise recorded in room ZB217 at UBSN, Hong Kong Polytechnic University with AC fan set to lvl 1, 2 and 3.
    • Background noise recorded in office GH709, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Network Structure

        Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
            Conv1d-1             [-1, 32, 4096]          21,536
         MaxPool1d-2             [-1, 32, 2048]               0
            Conv1d-3             [-1, 64, 2046]           6,208
         MaxPool1d-4             [-1, 64, 1023]               0
            Conv1d-5             [-1, 32, 1021]           6,176
         MaxPool1d-6              [-1, 32, 510]               0
            Conv1d-7              [-1, 64, 508]           6,208
         MaxPool1d-8              [-1, 64, 254]               0
            Linear-9                  [-1, 128]       2,080,896
           Linear-10                    [-1, 1]             129
Total params: 2,121,153
Trainable params: 2,121,153
Non-trainable params: 0
Input size (MB): 3.50
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 3.75
Params size (MB): 8.09
Estimated Total Size (MB): 15.34


Dataset Preparation

INPUT <dataset, pd.dataFrame, [0, 0]>
|--- Read SOT annotaion CSV(s) <dataset, pd.dataFrame, [2('wav','onset'), N_audio]>
|--- Load Audio (wav path from CSV(s))
|       |--- Read raw audio signal
|       |--- Check Sample Rate (sr)
|       |       |--- Resample to 48kHz if sr != 48000
|       |
|       |--- Data Augmentation (adding noise)
|       |--- Padding (Zero-padding)
|       |--- Apply Pre-emphasis (y_emp = y[0] + y[1:] - alpha * y[:-1])
|       |--- Perform MFCC Feature Extraction
|               |--- Configuration:
|               |       - Number of MFCC features (n_mfcc): 32/64/128
|               |       - Window length: 256/512/1024
|               |       - Hop length: window_length / 2
|               |       - Number of FFT points (n_fft): window_length
|               |       - Number of Mel filter banks (n_mels): 32/64/128
|               |       - Maximum frequency (fmax): 10000 Hz
|               |       - Window function: 'hamming'
|               |
|               |--- Compute and Combine MFCC Features (librosa.feature.mfcc)
|--- Return MFCC Features (mfcc, np.array, [224, 4096])
OUTPUT <dataset, pd.dataFrame, [3('wav','onset','mfcc'), N]>

Model initializtion






pip install mandsot

Praat Plugin

In progress...


<script src=""></script>




  • Prepare dataset
    • example.csv
      wav_name                       onset  on/off
      example_audio_1.wav            898    1
      example_audio_2.wav            1145   1
      example_audio_3.wav            764    1



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