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What Web Will Be

Date: 2015-04-12
tag:Thoughts, Web, Write

A thouhgt experiment about the future of web, started in spring 2015.

What's Web:

The people, device and service linked by the network system,

more specificly, the Internet.


  1. In 2015, The Watch has became a device beside's moboile phone. That we use in our daily life.

  2. Most things of peoles's private things were on mobile phone.

  3. Beside view the web via visual ability we will use more function of

    listen the web ( for most normal user )

    touch the web. smelling the web.

    even include mind injection in the future.

  4. The VR technology shows another possibility of user-expermient

    The Telepresence

    but this is currently not belongs to mobile

    infact, mobile phone needed is : The presence of out.

  5. Things and Thoughs are spread so fast, that they will spread in one day , and live in one day.

  6. The Browser (both mobile and PC ) will gain more power, and user can do more Things with web only app.

    For example:

    games/sns/notes and more/

    The updating push of mobile browser made the H5/CSS3/ES6 specific Technology can be considered as a common feature

    The WebGL and WebWorker and WebServeice made the browser even more powerful

  7. The user will keep draining the info stream from the web/app, they are more focus time on the phone than other things.

  8. the browser will have server function,

    besides ajax request, socket or post message.


  1. The server can be deployed and Increase the cluster more easily

  2. The reliable service of web will became common

    BaaS Paas etc,

    made it more easy to build web service


  1. the deveopment became several types.

    the deveolp of contents: editor , content-maintainor ,end user(UGC)

    ??the develop of presence: UI , designer, templat with data

    the develop of component: the basic web component

    like react or polymer or web component

  2. automation tools made it simpler, depoloying/desinging more powerful.

    ??but still no silver bullet

  3. github or other open source made it more easy to share idea/tools

    and Big tech company will shraing it's basic develop framenwork,

    and can gain some user/developer support.

  4. ...close source project will be more for bigger commapny.

  5. developing procedure's change may effect many developer

    they will feel they are losting jobs or something as the

    web deveolpment improves the efficency

    A bit like in industrial revolution , the craft people's feeling with factory.

  6. developing a App is more quickly and simple


  1. The most common attack method may not Trojan , but a service.

  2. The delivery speed and breadth of infomation made the mind bomb became truth.

    from a revolution or a simple flashing action


  1. beside back door or prism or something,

    The front-door system is needed for goverment.

    but the technology company was not such comfort to do that ,

    they are most prefer to put the regulatory under a third party Organiazion, which will not being so crued or sensitive.

  2. The delivery speed of information made all governor will build it's own filtering/censorship service to keep things in control.

    There will be aruments about the on the regulatory scope and strength, based on different people and organization.

    but the censorship mechanism will of cause appear natually

    Think about Web with non-censorship/filtering mechanism, and things will be delivered as it is,

    That is like the highest-dimension of the universe in the sci-fi novel Three-Body.

    So brilliant, but will fading as quickly as possible.

    attacking/arguments/poluution will occupy the info client as soon as possible.

    As Other's are Hells. This should be true. Even on the web.

    Then soon each governor will raise it's Iron curtain,

    The Dimension of Web Universe Falls and splited

Further Though

  1. Touching with information is not so valuable after we reach some level. It's even dangerous or harmful.

    ???Knowing the existence of some info a serious attack

  2. New AI will emerge. but we won't know if it's a kind of life system, even if it told us it is .

  3. The silicon based AI system is not so valuable, both in effeiciency and performance.

    But it's adaption in outer space may be better

    And it may be then replaced by the Carbon Based semi-biological Intelligence in the biosphere

    Human plus with vitro equipment can be seen as a lower level form.