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Releases: RylanBot/awesome-hands-control


19 Mar 02:04
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The data structure of the configuration file has been refactored, which may result in incompatibility with older versions.

New features

  • Implement webcam switching and shortcut disable by @Levosilimo in #6


  • 实现相机切换和快捷键禁用开关,来自 @Levosilimo 的贡献 #6


09 Dec 20:16
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Here is the first runnable version of this project

  • If you receive a warning about installation risks from your computer's security prompts after downloading, please rest assured that this project contains no viruses whatsoever. The warning is solely due to my not having obtained a paid certificate for the software. You may choose to ignore it and manually bypass the interception.
  • If the program shows no response after installation, try restarting it, or check if you have already granted relevant permission to it.


  • 如果你的电脑在下载后收到了安装风险警告,请放心,本项目绝无任何病毒。这仅仅是因为我未购买软件的相关证书而引起的,你可以忽略它并手动绕过该拦截。
  • 如果程序安装后无反应,尝试重启,或者查看是否已经授予相关权限给它。