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Gaze analysis system for Jetson Xavier NX, and AGX Xavier.

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Gaze Detection System

This is a repository of Gaze Detection System using NVIDIA 's Jetson and DeepStream 6.0.

For example, it is useful for measuring the effectiveness of signage advertising.
From webcom or pre-made videos, it detect the gaze of person watching and analyze the gender and age of that person. Each person detected will be drawn on bounding box. It is also possible to visualize data by an authorized Azure Iot Hub and linking with Open Distro for Kibana.

Gaze detection system used the content of 5 models:
The Face detection, Face landmarks, Gaze detection, Age estimation, and Gender estimation model.

See Reference of Content Models out for details (including model's link).
Please note that the models are available for research, development, PoC purposes only.
For uses other than the above, please replace the model with another model.


  • NVIDIA Jetson Platform
  • JetPack 4.6.1
  • Video(H.264/H.265) or USB webcam

Test on:

  • Jetson AGX Xavier, JetPack 4.6.1, Video, and USB webcam.
  • Jetson TX2, JetPack 4.6.1

Note: Recommend Jetson Xavier NX or AGX Xavier.



Optional (using visualize data):

  • Open Distro for ElasticSearch 1.10.1
  • Open Distro for Kibana 1.10.1
  • Azure Iot Hub
  • Azure Virtual Machine

Note: Excludes packages already included in JetPack. (ex. Python3.6, OpenCV, and etc.)
See above for tested versions.

Option 1: Building from source code

1. Install DeepStream SDK

sudo apt install deepstream-6.0

See NVIDIA DeepStream SDK Developer Guide , and more.

2. Clone this repository & Execute

git clone
cd Gaze-Analysis-System
chmod +x

Note1: requires sudo password to install some apt packages.

Note2: It takes about 15 minutes to finish.

Option 2: Building docker image



Set the path for cvcore_libs to LD_LIBRARY_PATH env.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/cvcore_libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

(Optional) Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH to your .bashrc if you don't want to set it every time.

echo export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream/lib/cvcore_libs:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

(Optional) If you use Azure IoT Hub to analize or visualize gaze data, set the connection string in azure_config.ini

HOST_NAME = <iot hub hostname>
DEVICE_ID = <iot device id>
SHARED_ACCESS_KEY = <iot device shared access key>

With video file, specify the path to your video file. See python3 -h for detailed options.

python3 [PATH/TO/VIDEO_FILE] --codec h264

With USB webcam, specify the path to USB webcam and using --media argument.

pyhon3 [PATH/TO/WEBCAM] --media v4l2 --cam-fps 10

Note1: It takes some minutes to run at first time because some models need to convert for TensorRT engines.

Note2: If you don't use with Azure IoT Hub, you can ignore the message sending errors while running.


Can't run with webcam

If you can't run with your webcam, check your webcam specs with v4l2-ctl.

sudo apt install v4l-utils
v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext

Then specify --width, --hight, --cam-fps or --codec mjpg corresponding to your webcam. For example:

python3 /dev/video0 --media v4l2 --codec mjpg --width 1280 --height 720 --cam-fps 16

Data analysis and visualization

Data analysis and visualization with Open Distro for Kibana.
After access and login the Open Distro for Kibana, create Visualization and Dashboard. Refer to the README guide in kibana directory for the creating visualization details.

For example, created the Visualization and Dashboard as follow:


Copyright (C) 2020, Ryoyo-NV All rights reserved.
The models are available for research, development, and PoC purposes only.