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Added graph partitioning-based policy reasoner
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This is just an initial version which doesn't work due to certain
restrictions in the SANSA-Query layer
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patrickwestphal committed Oct 27, 2018
1 parent a2dc8ee commit b34d68a
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
package net.sansa_stack.inference.spark.policyreasoning

import{File, FileWriter}

import net.sansa_stack.query.spark.graph.jena.SparqlParser
import net.sansa_stack.query.spark.graph.jena.model.{IntermediateResult, SparkExecutionModel, Config => JenaModelConfig}
import net.sansa_stack.rdf.spark.partition.graph.algo.{ObjectHashPartition, PartitionAlgo, PathPartition, SOHashPartition, SubjectHashPartition}
import org.aksw.owl2sparql.OWLClassExpressionToSPARQLConverter
import org.apache.jena.graph.Node
import org.apache.jena.riot.Lang
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.{OWLClass, OWLClassExpression}
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.structural.StructuralReasonerFactory

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object PartitionType extends Enumeration {
type PartitionType = Value
val SubjectHash, ObjectHash, SubjectObjectHash, Path = Value

case class GraphBasedPartitioningPolicyReasonerConfig(
ontologyFilePath: String = "/tmp/special.owl",
consentFilePath: String = "/tmp/consent.ttl",
logFilePath: String = "/tmp/log.nt",
partitionType: PartitionType.PartitionType = PartitionType.SubjectHash)

object GraphBasedPartitioningPolicyReasoner {
private val parser =
new scopt.OptionParser[GraphBasedPartitioningPolicyReasonerConfig](
"Graph partitioning-based policy reasoner") {
head("Graph partitioning-based policy reasoner", "0.0.1")

opt[String]('o', "ontologyfile")
.action((value, config) => config.copy(ontologyFilePath = value))

opt[String]('c', "consentfile")
.action((value, config) => config.copy(consentFilePath = value))

opt[String]('l', "logfile")
.action((value, config) => config.copy(logFilePath = value))

opt[String]('p', "partitiontype")
.text("one of S (subject hash), O (object hash), SO (subject object " +
"hash), P (path)")
.action((value, config) => value match {
case "S" => config.copy(partitionType = PartitionType.SubjectHash)
case "O" => config.copy(partitionType = PartitionType.ObjectHash)
case "SO" => config.copy(partitionType = PartitionType.SubjectObjectHash)
case "P" => config.copy(partitionType = PartitionType.Path)

help("help").text("prints this usage text")

private var varCntr = 0
private def getVarStr(): String = {
varCntr += 1


private def extendSPARQLQueryWithSuperClasses(sparqlQuery: String, reasoner: OWLReasoner): String = {
val atomicClasses = reasoner.getRootOntology.signature().collect(Collectors.toList()).asScala.filter(_.isOWLClass)
var resultSPARQLQueryString = sparqlQuery
atomicClasses.foreach(cls => {
if (sparqlQuery.contains(cls.toString)) {
val superClasses =
reasoner.getSuperClasses(cls.asInstanceOf[OWLClass], false)

if (superClasses.size > 1) {
val varStr = getVarStr()
resultSPARQLQueryString = resultSPARQLQueryString.replace(cls.toString, varStr)

val superClassesStr =", ")
resultSPARQLQueryString = "}\\s$".r.replaceAllIn(
resultSPARQLQueryString, s" FILTER($varStr NOT IN ($superClassesStr))\n }\n")

private def checkForViolation(
user: String,
ce: OWLClassExpression,
converter: OWLClassExpressionToSPARQLConverter,
reasoner: OWLReasoner,
modelConfig: JenaModelConfig.type,
partitionType: PartitionType.PartitionType): (Boolean, Seq[String]) = {
var coveringPolicyFound = false
var violatingLogEntryIRIs = Seq.empty[String]

var sparqlQuery = converter.asQuery(ce, "?s").toString()
sparqlQuery = extendSPARQLQueryWithSuperClasses(sparqlQuery, reasoner)

val queryFile = new File(FileUtils.getTempDirectoryPath, "graph_partition_query.sparql")
val writer = new FileWriter(queryFile)

val session = SparkExecutionModel.getSession
val g = SparkExecutionModel.getGraph
// TODO: make this configurable
val numParts = g.edges.partitions.length
var partitionAlgorithm: PartitionAlgo[Node, Node] = null

partitionType match {
case PartitionType.SubjectHash => partitionAlgorithm =
new SubjectHashPartition[Node, Node](g, session, numParts)
case PartitionType.ObjectHash => partitionAlgorithm =
new ObjectHashPartition[Node, Node](g, session, numParts)
case PartitionType.SubjectObjectHash => partitionAlgorithm =
new SOHashPartition[Node, Node](g, session, numParts)
case PartitionType.Path => partitionAlgorithm =
new PathPartition[Node, Node](g, session, numParts)
// TODO: make number of iterations configurable
// partitionAlgorithm.setNumIterations(23)


val parser = new SparqlParser(modelConfig.getInputQueryFile)
parser.getOps.foreach(op => op.execute())

val results = IntermediateResult.getFinalResult.cache()
violatingLogEntryIRIs = results.collect().map(_.toString())

if (violatingLogEntryIRIs.nonEmpty) {
coveringPolicyFound = true


(coveringPolicyFound, violatingLogEntryIRIs)

def run(
ontologyFilePath: String, consentFilePath: String,
logFilePath: String, partitionType: PartitionType.PartitionType): Unit = {

val modelConfig = JenaModelConfig
.setAppName("Graph partitioning-based policy reasoner")

// Read ontology
val man = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager()
val ont = man.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(new File(ontologyFilePath))
val reasonerFactory = new StructuralReasonerFactory()
val reasoner = reasonerFactory.createReasoner(ont)

// read consent class expressions
val userPolicies: Map[String, Set[OWLClassExpression]] =

// further tools
val converter = new OWLClassExpressionToSPARQLConverter()

userPolicies.foreach(userPolicy => {
val user = userPolicy._1
val policyCEs = userPolicy._2

var coveringPolicyFound = false
var usersViolatingEntries = Seq.empty[String]

policyCEs.takeWhile(_ => !coveringPolicyFound).foreach(ce => {
val res: (Boolean, Seq[String]) =
checkForViolation(user, ce, converter, reasoner, modelConfig, partitionType)
coveringPolicyFound = coveringPolicyFound || res._1
usersViolatingEntries = usersViolatingEntries ++ res._2

if (!coveringPolicyFound) {
println(s"Found logged data of user $user that is not covered by any " +
s"policy. The entries are:")
} else {
println(s"No violations found for user $user")

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
parser.parse(args, GraphBasedPartitioningPolicyReasonerConfig()) match {
case Some(config) =>
val ontologyFilePath = config.ontologyFilePath
val consentFilePath = config.consentFilePath
val logFilePath = config.logFilePath
val partitionType = config.partitionType
run(ontologyFilePath, consentFilePath, logFilePath, partitionType)
case _ =>

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