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s4sdkJenkinsBot committed May 12, 2020
2 parents f23f4b5 + b58f87f commit 9596d47
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Showing 2 changed files with 37 additions and 170 deletions.
53 changes: 34 additions & 19 deletions
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ To adjust the SAP Cloud SDK Pipeline to your project's needs, it can be customiz

If a property is configured in a step as well as the stage level, the stage level value takes precedence.

### customDefaults
Custom default configurations are user defined default pipeline configurations and can be used to share common configuration among different projects.
For more information on how to configure custom default configurations, please refer to the documentation in [project-piper](

### General configuration

| Property | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,12 +122,6 @@ general:
jnlpAgent: jenkins/jnlp-slave:latest

#### sharedConfiguration

URL of a shared configuration file.
Useful if many projects require similar or identical confiugration in large parts.
See [``]( for more details.

### Stage configuration

#### staticCodeChecks
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,15 +347,15 @@ checkmarxScan:
#### cfCreateServices

The option `cfCreateServices` is especially useful if you don't use MTA and need a way to declaratively define which services should be created in Cloud Foundry.
The following properties can be defined for each element in the list.
The following properties can be defined for each element in the list.
For a detailed documentation of the indivitual properties please consult the [step documentation](

| Property | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `org` | X** | | The organization where you want to deploy your app. |
| `space` | X** | | The space where you want to deploy your app. |
| `serviceManifest`| X** | | Manifest file that needs to be used defining the services. |
| `manifestVariablesFiles`| X** | | Variables that should be replaced in the service manifest file. |
| `manifestVariablesFiles`| X** | | Variables that should be replaced in the service manifest file. |
| `credentialsId` | X**| | ID to the credentials that will be used to connect to the Cloud Foundry account. |
| `apiEndpoint` | X** | | URL to the Cloud Foundry endpoint. |

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,19 +501,31 @@ productionDeployment:
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `version` | | `nexus3` | Version of nexus. Can be `nexus2` or `nexus3`. |
| `url` | X | | URL of the nexus. The scheme part of the URL will not be considered, because only `http` is supported. |
| `repository` | X | | Name of the nexus repository. |
| `mavenRepository` | | | Name of the nexus repository for Maven and MTA artifacts. Ignored if the project does not contain `pom.xml` or `mta.yml` in the project root. |
| `npmRepository` | | | Name of the nexus repository for NPM artifacts. Ignored if the project does not contain a `package.json` in the project root directory. |
| `groupId` | | | Common group ID for MTA build artifacts, ignored for Maven projects. |
| `credentialsId` | | | ID to the credentials which is used to connect to Nexus. Anonymous deployments do not require a `credentialsId`.|

###### Chosing what to deploy into the npm repository

The Pipeline performs an [npm publish]( command to deploy npm modules.
This deployment might include files that you don't want to deploy.
See [here]( for npm documentation.

**WARNING:** The `.gitignore` file is not available in the pipeline during the artifact deployment.
To exclude files from that, please create a `.npmignore` file, copy the contents of your `.gitignore` file and add specific ignores for example for `*.java` files.


version: nexus2
url: nexus.mycorp:8080/nexus
repository: snapshots
credentialsId: 'CF-DEPLOY'
mavenRepository: snapshots
npmRepository: npm-repo
credentialsId: 'NEXUS-DEPLOY'

#### whitesourceScan
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -595,11 +605,20 @@ fortifyScan:
The lint stage can enforce common coding guidelines within a team.

It provides several options for the use of linting tools.
It supports the SAPUI5 best practices linter which operates on SAPUI5 components, if present in the project.
The user can define a custom linting script by providing a script called `ci-lint` in any `package.json` file of the project.

If no custom linter is configured, and the project has SAPUI5 components, it makes use of the SAPUI5 best practices linter.
A component is identified by a `Component.js` file in the directory.

If no custom linter is configured, and the project has no SAPUI5 components, the pipeline uses a general purpose configuration to lint Javascript and/or Typescript files in the project.
By default, the pipeline does not fail based on lint findings.
The following example shows how to enable thresholds for linting, which are only applied in case of using the built-in SAPUI5 best practices linter:
The goal of this lint is to warn of potential errors without insisting on any programming style.
If you're not satisfied by the default configuration, you can opt-out using that by providing your [own configuration file]( in your project.
More details can be found in the [pipeline documentation](

Note, the configuration specified for the Lint stage in `.pipeline/config.yml` is only applied in case SAPUI5 components are checked by the pipeline and is ignored otherwise.

The following example shows how to enable thresholds for linting, in case the built-in SAPUI5 best practices linter is used:

Expand All @@ -619,11 +638,6 @@ Note: In former versions a flag `enableES6` was provided.
This is is deprecated in favor of `esLanguageLevel` which is more flexible.
To get the same, please configure `esLanguageLevel: es6`.

Since linting is a highly subjective topic, a general purpose pipeline cannot include all linting tools a development team might want to use as part of their pipeline.
For this reason, the pipeline offers two possibilities to integrate your own linters. The user can add a custom linting script by adding a script `ci-lint` to the projects `package.json` file.
More details can be found [here]( In addition, the [pipeline extensibility]( feature can be used to integrate other linters.

#### sonarQubeScan

Configure [SonarQube]( scans.
Expand All @@ -634,6 +648,7 @@ If you require it on multiple branches, please open an [GitHub issue](https://gi

| Property | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `runInAllBranches` | | false | Define whether the scan should also happen in non productive branches, i.e. if your SonarQube instance supports that. |
| `projectKey` | X | | The project is used to refer your project. |
| `instance` | X | | This property refers to a sonarqube instance, which needs to be defined in the Jenkins. |
| `dockerImage` | | ppiper/node-browsers:v3 | This property refers to a docker image which will be used for triggering the sonar scan. In case your sonar instance uses a self signed certificate, a docker image with that certificate installed can be used. |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -672,7 +687,7 @@ The mavenExecute step is used for all invocations of the mvn build tool. It is e

| Property | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `dockerImage` | | `maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-alpine` | The image to be used for executing maven commands. |
| `dockerImage` | | `maven:3.6.1-jdk-8-alpine` | The image to be used for executing maven commands. Please note that at least maven 3.6.0 is required. |
| `projectSettingsFile` | | | The project settings.xml to be used for maven builds. You can specify a relative path to your project root or a URL starting with http or https. |

#### mavenExecuteStaticCodeChecks
Expand Down
154 changes: 3 additions & 151 deletions s4sdk-pipeline.groovy
@@ -1,154 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env groovy

final def pipelineSdkVersion = 'v32'
final def pipelineSdkVersion = 'v33'

pipeline {
agent any
options {
timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: '10'))
stages {
stage('Init') {
steps {
milestone 10
library "s4sdk-pipeline-library@${pipelineSdkVersion}"
stageInitS4sdkPipeline script: this
abortOldBuilds script: this

stage('Build and Test') {
steps {
milestone 20
stageBuild script: this

stage('Local Tests') {
parallel {
stage("Static Code Checks") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.STATIC_CODE_CHECKS } }
steps { piperPipelineStageMavenStaticCodeChecks script: this }
stage("Lint") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.LINT } }
steps { stageLint script: this }
stage("Backend Integration Tests") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.BACKEND_INTEGRATION_TESTS } }
steps { stageBackendIntegrationTests script: this }
stage("Frontend Integration Tests") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.FRONTEND_INTEGRATION_TESTS } }
steps { stageFrontendIntegrationTests script: this }
stage("Frontend Unit Tests") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.FRONTEND_UNIT_TESTS } }
steps { stageFrontendUnitTests script: this }
stage("NPM Dependency Audit") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.NPM_AUDIT } }
steps { stageNpmAudit script: this }

stage('Remote Tests') {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.REMOTE_TESTS } }
parallel {
stage("End to End Tests") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.E2E_TESTS } }
steps { stageEndToEndTests script: this }
stage("Performance Tests") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.PERFORMANCE_TESTS } }
steps { stagePerformanceTests script: this }

stage('Quality Checks') {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.QUALITY_CHECKS } }
steps {
milestone 50
stageS4SdkQualityChecks script: this

stage('Third-party Checks') {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.THIRD_PARTY_CHECKS } }
parallel {
stage("Checkmarx Scan") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.CHECKMARX_SCAN } }
steps { stageCheckmarxScan script: this }
stage("WhiteSource Scan") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.WHITESOURCE_SCAN } }
steps { stageWhitesourceScan script: this }
stage("SourceClear Scan") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.SOURCE_CLEAR_SCAN } }
steps { stageSourceClearScan script: this }
stage("Fortify Scan") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.FORTIFY_SCAN } }
steps { stageFortifyScan script: this }
stage("Additional Tools") {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.ADDITIONAL_TOOLS } }
steps { stageAdditionalTools script: this }
stage('SonarQube Scan'){
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.SONARQUBE_SCAN } }
steps { stageSonarQubeScan script: this }

stage('Artifact Deployment') {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.ARTIFACT_DEPLOYMENT } }
steps {
milestone 70
piperPipelineStageArtifactDeployment script: this

stage('Production Deployment') {
when { expression { commonPipelineEnvironment.configuration.runStage.PRODUCTION_DEPLOYMENT } }
//milestone 80 is set in stageProductionDeployment
steps { stageProductionDeployment script: this }

post {
always {
script {
debugReportArchive script: this
if (commonPipelineEnvironment?.configuration?.runStage?.SEND_NOTIFICATION) {
postActionSendNotification script: this
postActionCleanupStashesLocks script: this
sendAnalytics script: this

if (commonPipelineEnvironment?.configuration?.runStage?.POST_PIPELINE_HOOK) {
stage('Post Pipeline Hook') {
stagePostPipelineHook script: this
success {
script {
if (commonPipelineEnvironment?.configuration?.runStage?.ARCHIVE_REPORT) {
postActionArchiveReport script: this
failure {
library "s4sdk-pipeline-library@${pipelineSdkVersion}"
cloudSdkPipeline(script: this)

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