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Konstantinos Drachtidis edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 2 revisions

What sources are needed?

You only need to load the api.min.jsthat you can find in the current repository. You may also view it separately here.

How can it be loaded in a HTML prototype?

By embedding that single script in the home page. In your index.html file, go to the <head> part of the page and include the following main script tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="api.min.js" async onload="Init('')"></script>

Where is the testing script stored?

For the needs of the tool, you keep the testing script of your usability sessions into a separate JSON file, the UseCaseData.json file. Create your testing script according to the template that is provided here.

Set then the path to this file as a parameter in the main function you call on the initial loading of the script: Init('childfolder/subchildfolder/')
In case the JSON file is located on the parent project folder, then set an empty string as parameter : Init('')

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