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Migrating old tokens to new OAuth2 Bearer Tokens

Migrating to OAuth2 Tokens

Existing applications that use the Pre-2017 Authorization (Deprecated) framework need to move to support the new OAuth2 Bearer Tokens. Applications will need to migrate their existing users who already have connected to it to obtain new Oauth2 tokens without requiring users to reauthorize. This can be done by exchanging an old access token for a new refresh token.

Base URIs

When making API calls, the appropriate base URI for the user's geolocation should be used. See the Base URIs page for the full list.

Exchanging a Token

In order to support new OAuth2, applications need to exchange old access token for new accessToken and refreshToken pair. Once obtained, applications should store these refreshTokens as part of users authorization data.

The new OAuth2 accessToken has a one hour lifetime. Once expired, applications would need to call OAuth2's /v0/token endpoint using a refresh_grant, passing in the user's refreshtoken to obtain a fresh accessToken.

This is significantly different from how the deprecated /net2/OAuth2's method of handling access tokens. Partner's would have to store the new OAuth2 refreshToken instead of the old access token. Before making a call to any of the new v4 APIs, it is advisable to request for a new accessToken before making the API call.

Step 1: Obtain Application Token Clients can exchange OLD tokens for NEW OAuth2 tokens by calling the exchangeRefreshToken/me endpoint. In order to call this endpoint, you would first need to obtain an Application Token by calling the /v0/token endpoint with the client_credentials grant.

The endpoint also supports a parameter called "returnType=companyToken" This parameter allows a partner who already has what is known as a "WSAdmin" token for a client, to exchange that token for a Company level refresh token.

Step 2: Call exchangeRefreshToken

POST /appmgmt/v0/legacyApps/{OLDConsumerKey}/exchangeRefreshToken/me

If you are exchanging a WSAdmin token for a new Company level refresh token:

POST /appmgmt/v0/legacyApps/{OLDConsumerKey}/exchangeRefreshToken/me?returnType=companyToken

Request Header

Name Type Format Description
Authorization string Bearer <accessToken> Required The NEW client_credentials accessToken.

Request Body

Name Type Format Description
token string Required The OLD refreshToken
secret string Required The NEW application client_secret

Sample Curl:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>' -d '{"token": "1_oaCof444CaiNXg1FFG$Perr19qIo", "secret": "12345"}' -X POST

successful call, responds with

200 OK
  "token": "8c844478-745c-4c45-adf7-1e2777a50dbf",
  "created": 1479407196809,
  "expired": 1494959196809,
  "scopes": [
  "context": "{\"userid\":\"7934467f-dcd1-4631-ba34-3ebd28343e8f\",\"cid\":\"3a55c75e-ac1e-4515-845c-0a4978452828\",\"ptype\":\"user\",\"userURI\":\"\",\"scope\":\"EXPRPT LIST BANK CCARD\"}"

Sample Curl for WSAdmin token exchange for Company level refreh token:

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>' -d '{"token": "1_oaCof444CaiNXg1FFG$Perr19qIo", "secret": "12345"}' -X POST

successful call, responds with

200 OK
  "token": "8c844478-745c-4c45-adf7-1e2777a50dbf",
  "created": 1479407196809,
  "expired": 1494959196809,
  "scopes": [
  "context": "{\"userid\":\"7934467f-dcd1-4631-ba34-3ebd28343e8f\",\"cid\":\"3a55c75e-ac1e-4515-845c-0a4978452828\",\"ptype\":\"company\",\"userURI\":\"\",\"scope\":\"EXPRPT LIST BANK CCARD\"}"

Step 3: Obtain New Access Token

Once you have the NEW refreshToken from the response (8c844478-745c-4c45-adf7-1e2777a50dbf) you can then proceed to call /v0/token using the refresh grant to obtain a NEW OAuth2 accessToken.

Sample Curl:

curl -X POST '' -d 'client_id=3a55c75e-ac1e-4515-845c-0a4978452828&client_secret=12345&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=8c844478-745c-4c45-adf7-1e2777a50dbf'

successful call, responds with:

200 OK
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "eyJ0...demo...eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjE0NTU2MTQzNDYifQ.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.I4EeqKZbpfFonitGBZnLBb20NwMjZNNp5e1d3-BRsepEcJSVCVYIV9HAB2EkkopvoLJsAittiZgD0iDwuh2WVgUt_c4QGzNc_-rXRtCIeKyPQRvxUZNQ7y5RTqEQFNo7hrtXiNZ-yV30zlbijP-12XU5Cu4n2VXgRKxvcCUr5j0RcovUc6O0aOR7VTzj4ZbiDdijOEtmKWGluAYyfIlz8XF2aErAB5Jff2fr9UvgHgtbleYV7eBSesvd9hJEk4S-OAtmFoJwLDECLtLcBKyeHnPEe7LmkLYShcflWG2_tYk4ysPIMG6ne5kRNxJKsDbkMItjpXhujBEGi7YIPWtFWQ",
  "refresh_token": "31456dcd-b46a-4292-b2d3-f97033338487",
  "geolocation": ""

Response Codes

HTTP Status returned by exchangeAccessToken
HTTP Status Description
200 OK - Successful call, response is in body.
400 Bad Request - see list of responses below.
404 Not Found
500 Server Error, error message is in body.
503 Server Timed Out, error message is in body.
exchangeAccessToken Response Codes
CODE Description
OK OK - Successful call, response is in body.
INVALIDSCOPES One or more scopes requested are not a subset of the allowed scopes.
INVALIDAPP Application is invalid
INVALIDTOKEN Bad or expired token
UNAUTHORIZED Invalid credentials
HTTP Status returned by OAuth2
HTTP Status Description
200 OK - Successful call, response is in body.
400 Bad Request (error, error_description, code)
401 Unauthorized (error, error_description, code)
403 Forbidden (error, error_description, code)
404 Not Found (error, error_description, code)
500 Server Error, error message is in body.
503 Server Timed Out, error message is in body.

4xx class errors have a JSON response with the following fields

  "code": <number>,
  "error": <error>,
  "error_description": <error_description>
Code Error Description
5 invalid_grant Incorrect credentials. Please Retry
10 invalid_grant Account is disabled. Please contact support
11 invalid_grant Account is disabled. Please contact support
12 invalid_grant Logon Denied. Please contact support
13 invalid_grant Logon Denied. Please contact support
14 invalid_grant Account Locked. Please contact support
16 invalid_request user lives elsewhere
19 invalid_grant Incorrect credentials. Please Retry
20 invalid_grant Logon Denied. Please contact support (typically due to IP restriction)
51 invalid_request username was not supplied
52 invalid_request password was not supplied
53 invalid_client company is not enabled for this client
54 invalid_scope requested scope exceeds granted scope
55 invalid_request we don't know this email
56 invalid_request otp was not supplied
57 invalid_request channel_type missing
58 invalid_request channel_handle missing
59 access_denied client disabled
60 invalid_grant these are not the grants you are looking for
61 invalid_client client not found
62 invalid_request client_id was not supplied
63 invalid_request client_secret was not supplied
64 invalid_client Incorrect credentials. Please Retry
65 invalid_request grant_type was not supplied
80 invalid_request invalid channel type
81 invalid_request bad channel handle
83 invalid_request otp not found
84 invalid_request fact verification failed
85 invalid_request otp verification failed
100 invalid_request backend does not know about this username
101 invalid_request code was not supplied
102 invalid_request redirect_uri was not supplied
103 invalid_request code is bad or expired
104 invalid_grant redirect_uri does not match the previous grant
105 invalid_grant this grant was not issued to you!
106 invalid_request refresh_token was not supplied
107 invalid_request refresh disallowed for app
108 invalid_grant bad or expired refresh token
109 invalid_request loginid was not supplied
115 invalid_request unauthenticated client will not be issued token!
117 invalid_request nonce is mandatory for this response_type
118 invalid_request display is invalid
119 invalid_request prompt is invalid
119 invalid_request prompt must be set to consent for offline_access
120 invalid_request credtype is invalid
121 invalid_request login_type is invalid
122 invalid_request proxies supplied are invalid
123 invalid_request principal is disabled