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Jenna Badanowski edited this page May 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Fundamental-react uses Component Story Format (CSF) and @storybook/addon-docs to automatically generate component documentation.


The page title is generated from the default export in the stories file.


export default {
    title: 'Component API/Component',
    component: Component


Each component's description is generated from the JSDoc comment above the component declaration in the component's file.


 * The **Component** is used for component like things.

const Component = () => ();


Each example is generated from from the named story exports in each stories file.

Note: The first story, generally named primary will appear without a description.


export const myExample = () => <Component />;

This story will appear in the docs titled "My Example" with no description.

Adding custom title and/or description

A custom story name and story description can be added by adding parameters to your story.

myExample.story = {
    name: 'This is a custom title for the example',
    parameters: {
        docs: {
            storyDescription: `This is a custom description for the example. You can use markdown in here.`

Props Table

The property table is generated from the JSDoc comment above each prop type in the component's file.


Component.propTypes = {
    /** description of prop */
    prop: PropTypes.string


If Component has subcomponents, add them to the default export as an object to have them included as tabs in the props table.


export default {
    title: 'Component API/Component',
    component: Component,
    subcomponents: { ComponentSubComponent, ComponentSubComponentTwo }