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Managing Privileges

rtrouton edited this page Jun 15, 2022 · 3 revisions


Managing Privileges

As of Privileges 1.5.0, it is possible to manage the following settings for or the PrivilegesCLI command line tool:

Preference domain:

Key: DockToggleTimeout

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: Integer

Description: Set a fixed timeout, in minutes, for the Dock tile's Toggle Privileges command. After this time, the admin rights are removed and set back to standard user rights. A value of 0 disables the timeout and allows the user to permanently toggle privileges.

Key: DockToggleMaxTimeout

Available for: Privileges 1.5.2 and later.

Value: Integer

Description: Set a maximum timeout for the Dock tile's Toggle Privileges command. This generally works the same way as the DockToggleTimeout but allows the user to choose every timeout value up to the one specified. So if the admin would set DockToggleMaxTimeout to 20 minutes, the user may decide to set it to a value below 20 instead of being forced to use the 20 minute timeout.

Note: If DockToggleMaxTimeout and DockToggleTimeout values have both been set, the value set for DockToggleTimeout will override whatever is set for DockToggleMaxTimeout.

Key: EnforcePrivileges

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: admin, user or none

Note: This is a string value.

Description: Enforces certain privileges. Whenever or the PrivilegesCLI command line tool are launched,the corresponding privileges are set.

  • admin: administrator rights always set by Privileges.
  • user: standard user rights are always set by Privileges.
  • none: and the PrivilegesCLI command line tool are disabled and it is not possible to change user privileges using these tools.

Key: LimitToGroup

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: a string containing the name of a specified group

Note: This is a string value.

Description: Limits the usage of to the given user group.

Key: LimitToUser

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: a string containing a specified user account's short name

Note: This is a string value.

Description: Limits the usage of to the given user account.

Note: If used with a client management system that supports variables in configuration profiles, variables like $USERNAME may be used here.

Key: ReasonRequired

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: true or false

Note: This is a boolean value.

Description: If ReasonRequired is set to true, the user must provide a reason for needing admin rights.

Note: If setting ReasonRequired, the Toggle Privileges option is automatically disabled.

Optional additional keys for ReasonRequired:

Key: ReasonMinLength

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: Integer

Note: This must be a positive value below 100.

If the ReasonRequired key's value is set to true, this optional key specifies the minimum number of characters the user can enter as the reason for becoming an admin. If not set, the value defaults to 10.

The text field is limited to a maximum of 100 characters. If a value of greater than 100 is specified, the value of the ReasonMinLength key is set to the default value of 10.

Key: ReasonMaxLength

Available for: Privileges 1.5.3 and later.

Value: Integer

Note: This must be a positive value below 100.

If the ReasonRequired key's value is set to true, this optional key specifies the maximum number of characters the user can enter as the reason for becoming an admin. If not set, the value defaults to 100.

If a value of greater than 100 is specified or if the ReasonMaxLength key is set to a value less than or equal to the value set for the ReasonMinLength key's value, the value of the ReasonMaxLength key is set to the default value of 100.

Key: ReasonPresetList

Available for: Privileges 1.5.3 and later.

Value: a dictionary containing pre-determined reasons. Examples are shown below:

		<string>Just for fun</string>
		<string>Installing software</string>
		<string>Don't know</string>

If the ReasonRequired key's value is set to true, this optional key allows a pre-defined list of reasons for requesting admin privileges. If the ReasonPresetList key is set, a pop-up menu will appear in the window where the user enters reasons. This menu will contain all of the pre-defined reasons and an Other option. If Other is selected, a text field will appear where the user can enter a reason using text entry.

Note: The menu of pre-set reasons is only available in the Privileges GUI. It is not available when using the PrivilegesCLI tool.

Key: RemoteLogging

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: A dictionary array containing the relevant server information

Accompanying Key: ServerType

Value: a string specifying the type of the logging server

Note: This is a string value. As of now, syslog is the only supported value. Others may be supported in future releases.

Accompanying Key: ServerAddress

Value: a string specifying the address of the logging server

Note: This is a string value. This will usually be an IP address, unless the syslog server is set up to respond using a DNS hostname.

Accompanying Key: ServerPort

Value: Integer

Note: This is an integer specifying the port of the logging server. By default, port 514 is used.

Accompanying Key: EnableTCP

Value: true or false

Note: This is a boolean value. If set to true, the log messages are sent via TCP instead of UDP. By default, messages are sent via UDP.

Accompanying Key: SyslogOptions

Value: a dictionary containing syslog-specific options.

Please see for further information on the options used in the SyslogOptions key.

key: LogFacility
value: an integer specifying the syslog facility

key: LogSeverity
value: an integer specifying the syslog severity

If not specified, facility defaults to 4 (security) and severity defaults to 6 (informational). Please see for further information.

key: MaximumMessageSize
value: an integer specifying the maximum size of the  syslog message (header + event message)

If not specified, the value defaults to 480 which is the 
minimum maximum message size a syslog server must support.
If the syslog message is larger than the specified maximum,
the message will be truncated at the end.

Description: If RemoteLogging is used, this will send the logging for to a remote syslog server.

If using RemoteLogging, then the following subsidiary keys must also be set:

  • ServerType
  • ServerAddress
  • ServerPort
  • EnableTCP
  • SyslogOptions
  • LogFacility
  • LogSeverity
  • MaximumMessageSize

Key: RequireAuthentication

Available for: Privileges 1.5.0 and later.

Value: a string containing a specified user account's short name

Value: true or false

Note: This is a boolean value.

Description: Requires authentication before using If set to true, the logged-in user is prompted to authenticate via Touch ID or by entering their account password.

Note: If setting RequireAuthentication, the Toggle Privileges option is automatically disabled.

Example configuration profiles are available via the links below:

Dock Icon

The dock icon will change colors from the standard color scheme if is being managed by a macOS configuration profile which is using one or more of the following management keys:

  • EnforcePrivileges
  • LimitToGroup
  • LimitToUser
  • ReasonRequired
  • RemoteLogging
  • RequireAuthentication

Note: The DockToggleTimeout and DockToggleMaxTimeout management keys do not trigger the custom color scheme.

The icon is black with a green outline and displays a locked padlock icon when you are a standard user.

Icon for macOS Catalina and earlier:

Icon for macOS Big Sur and later:

The icon is black with a yellow outline and displays an unlocked padlock icon when you are an administrator.

Icon for macOS Catalina and earlier:

Icon for macOS Big Sur and later:

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