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SAP Mobile SDK <CertificateProvider>

REUSE status

Sample implementation of the SAP Mobile SDK <CertificateProvider> protocol API, which can be added to an iOS or Android project to allow the SAP Logon Manager component to get x509 certificate identities from 3rd party APIs or the device file system. The <CertificateProvider> protocol can be used with SAP's Native OData framework, and the Kapsel SDK.


Before SAP Mobile SDK 3.0 SP03, the SDK Logon Manager was hard-coded to call SAP Afaria API's when attempting to optain an X509Certificate for use with mutual auth against the SAP Mobile Platform server. There was no extension point for integrating non-Afaria certificate provider options, such as SAP Partners, other MDM providers, or file-system installation.

With the standardization on Logon Manager ('Logon') as the primary reusable component for handling registration, integration with the SAP Mobile SDK's Data Vault, Client Hub, Onboarding, etc., it became necessary to provide this extension point for non-Afaria solutions.

The solution is a protocol interface, which can be implemented for a particular network/identity landscape, with a simple, reusable pattern.

Release Info

The interfaces described for CertificateProvider (and Android equivalents) are released in SDK 3.0 SP08. The Developer edition of the SDK can be downloaded on

See Copyright and license for license info for this sample implementation.

Additional Documentation

Product Documentation can be found for these interfaces on > Mobile > SAP Mobile Platform > SAP Mobile Platform SDK.

See links here for

It is recommended to review the Kapsel documentation as well as the 'Native' doc for iOS or Android, as there is signficant overlap at the native code level.


  1. Clone to your dev machine

  2. Select one of the CertificateProvider implementations which is similar to your scenario, and modify to match your scenario's API's/sequence

  3. Drag the modified CertificateProvider implementation into your project, with the Mobile SDK 3.0 SP08+ libraries linked

  4. Register the CertificateProvider to the LogonManager component, using one of the following methods

    iOS (Native)

    Initialize the CustomCertificateProvider, then call the Logon API setCertificateProvider: to register the CertificateProvider to the Logon.

    CustomCertificateProvider *myCertificateProvider = [[CustomCertificateProvider alloc] init];
    [myLogonInstance setCertificateProvider:myCertificateProvider];
    Android (Native)
    Windows (Native)

    For SDK 3.0 SP08 or earlier, use the SAP.Logon.Core.ICertificateProvider. This interface is still supported in SP09 or later, but is deprecated in favor of SAP.CertificateProvider.ICertificateProvider. The newer interface should be adopted when possible.

    Kapsel (JavaScript)

    Set CustomCertificateProvider in LogonContext's appConfig.certificate property, and call the logon startLogonInit.

    function register() {
        var context = {
                logonView : sap.logon.IabUi
                appID : "", // app id on SMP server
                isForSMP : true,  //SMP registration
                certificate : "CustomCertificateProvider" //the value must match the key defined in the plist file
            // for certificate registration, the serverhost and serverPort, https configuration are required
            smpConfig : {
                "serverHost": "<#My Server#>", //Place your SMP 3.0 server name here
                "https": "true",
                "serverPort": "8082",
                "communicatorId": "REST",
                "passcode": "password",  //note hardcoding passwords and unlock passcodes are strictly for ease of use during development
                //once set can be changed by calling sap.Logon.managePasscode()
                "unlockPasscode": "password",
        //registration callback methods
        var appDelegate = {};
        appDelegate.onRegistrationSuccess = function(result) {
            alert("Successfully Registered");
            applicationContext = result;
        appDelegate.onRegistrationError = function(error) {   //this method is called if the user cancels the registration.
            console.log("An error occurred:  " + JSON.stringify(error));
            if (device.platform == "Android") {  //Not supported on iOS to exit app
        sap.Logon.startLogonInit(context, appDelegate);


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the license file.