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File metadata and controls

302 lines (205 loc) · 12.7 KB


This section outlines how to configure and run the processor. Configuration is most conveniently kept in a config.ini configuration file but can also be modified via the command line.

Two different types of product were intended when developing the processor, Normalised Radar Backscatter (NRB) and Ocean Radar Backscatter (ORB). However, the processor does not strictly separate between them and products can be created that conform to both types.

To create an NRB product as defined by the CEOS ARD specification, the following configuration would be necessary:

mode = sar, nrb
measurement = gamma
annotation = dm, ei, em, id, lc, li, np, ratio

The generated backscatter is gamma nought RTC. Annotation layers are a data mask, ellipsoidal incident angle, elevation model, acquisition id mask, local contributing area, local incidence angle, noise power and a gamma-sigma ratio.

For ORB, the following configuration is foreseen:

mode = sar, orb
measurement = sigma
annotation = dm, id, ld, li, np, wm

Compared to NRB, the backscatter is now sigma nought RTC. The ellipsoidal incident angle is excluded because over ocean it is nearly identical to the local incident angle. Furthermore, the elevation model, local contributing area and backscatter ratio are excluded as they are not seen as necessary. Two new annotation layers are added. A look direction angle and a wind model.

See below for further details.


Usage of the S1_NRB package relies on a configuration file that needs to be set up by the user. The configuration file follows the INI format, which uses plain text to store properties as key-value pairs. INI files can be created and opened with any text editor. An example config.ini file for the S1_NRB package can be found here:

Configuration files in INI format can have different sections. Each section begins at a section name and ends at the next section name. The config.ini file used with the S1_NRB package should at least have a dedicated section for processing related parameters. This section is by default named [PROCESSING]. Users might create several processing sections in the same configuration file with parameter values that correspond to different processing scenarios (e.g., for different areas of interest). Note that each section must contain all necessary configuration parameters even if only a few are varied between the sections.

The following provides an overview of the parameters the config.ini should contain and anything that should be considered when selecting their values:

Processing Section


Options: sar | nrb | orb

This parameter determines what steps should be executed. sar will only start SAR preprocessing, whereas nrb and orb will only start ARD generation from existing SAR products preprocessed in sar. By defining both sar and one of the ARD modes as list, both SAR preprocessing and ARD generation can be run together:

mode = sar, nrb

aoi_tiles & aoi_geometry

Limit processing to a specific area of interest (AOI).

aoi_tiles can be used to define the area of interest via MGRS tile IDs, which must be provided comma-separated (e.g., aoi_tiles = 32TNS, 32TMT, 32TMS). aoi_geometry defines the area of interest via a full path to a vector file supported by spatialist.vector.Vector. This option will automatically search for overlapping MGRS tiles and use these for processing. Both parameters are optional and can be set to None or left empty. aoi_tiles overrides aoi_geometry. If neither is defined, all tiles overlapping with the scene search result are processed.

mindate & maxdate

Search for source scenes within the defined date range. Allowed are all string representations that can be parsed by dateutil.parser.parse.


Treat dates as strict limits or also allow flexible limits to incorporate scenes whose acquisition period overlaps with the defined limit.

  • strict: start >= mindate & stop <= maxdate
  • not strict: stop >= mindate & start <= maxdate


Options: S1A | S1B

The Sentinel-1 sensor/platform.


Options: IW | EW | SM

The acquisition mode of the source scenes that should be processed.


Options: GRD | SLC

The product of the source scenes that should be processed.


The datatake ID of source scenes in hexadecimal representation, e.g. 04EBF7.


work_dir is the main directory in which any subdirectories and files are stored that are generated during processing. Needs to be provided as full path to an existing directory.

tmp_dir, sar_dir, ard_dir, wbm_dir & log_dir

Processing creates many intermediate files that are expected to be stored in separate subdirectories. The default values provided in the example configuration file linked above are recommended and will automatically create subdirectories relative to the directory specified with work_dir. E.g., ard_dir = ARD will create the subdirectory /<work_dir>/ARD. Optionally, full paths to existing directories can be provided for all of these parameters.

search option I: scene_dir & db_file

Metadata of any Sentinel-1 scene found in scene_dir will be stored in an SQLite database file created by pyrosar.drivers.Archive. With db_file either a full path to an existing database can be provided or it will be created in work_dir if only a filename is provided. E.g., db_file = scenes.db will automatically create the database file /<work_dir>/scenes.db. scene_dir needs to be provided as full path to an existing directory and will be searched recursively for any Sentinel-1 scenes using the regular expression '^S1[AB].*(SAFE|zip)$'.

search option II: stac_catalog & stac_collections

Alternative to searching scenes in a directory and storing their metadata in an SQLite database, scenes can be queried from a STAC catalog. For this, a STAC URL and one or many collections can be defined with stac_catalog and stac_collections respectively. The scenes are expected to be locally accessible in unpacked folders with the .SAFE extension.


The Sentinel-2 Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) tiling system establishes the basis of the processing chain and a local reference file containing the respective tile information for processing ARD products is needed. The official KML file defined for the Sentinel-2 mission provided by ESA can be retrieved here. With the kml_file parameter either a full path to this reference file can be provided or it is expected to be located in the directory provided with work_dir if only a filename is provided. E.g., the processor expects to find /<work_dir>/s2_grid.kml if kml_file = s2_grid.kml.


Options: Copernicus 10m EEA DEM | Copernicus 30m Global DEM II | Copernicus 30m Global DEM | GETASSE30

The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that should be used for processing.

Note that water body masks are not available for "GETASSE30", and will therefore not be included in the product data mask. "Copernicus 10m EEA DEM" and "Copernicus 30m Global DEM II" (both include water body masks) are retrieved from the Copernicus Space Component Data Access system (CSCDA), which requires authentication. The processor reads username and password from the environment variables DEM_USER and DEM_PASS if possible and otherwise interactively asks for authentication if one of these DEM options is selected.


Temporarily changes GDAL_NUM_THREADS during processing. Will be reset after processing has finished.


Options: gamma | sigma

The backscatter measurement convention. Either creates gamma naught RTC (γT0) or sigma naught RTC (σT0) backscatter.


A comma-separated list to define the annotation layers to be created for each ARD product. Supported options:

  • dm: data mask (six masks: not layover not shadow, layover, shadow, ocean, lakes, rivers)
  • ei: ellipsoidal incident angle (needed for computing geolocation accuracy)
  • em: digital elevation model
  • id: acquisition ID image (source scene ID per pixel)
  • lc: RTC local contributing area
  • ld: range look direction angle
  • li: local incident angle
  • np: noise power (NESZ, per polarization)
  • ratio: will automatically be replaced with the following, depending on selected measurement:
    • gs: gamma-sigma ratio: sigma0 RTC / gamma0 RTC (if measurement = gamma)
    • sg: sigma-gamma ratio: gamma0 RTC / sigma0 RTC (if measurement = sigma)
  • wm: wind-modelled backscatter extracted from a Sentinel-1 OCN (ocean) product. The sub-product owiNrcsCmod is extracted, which is Ocean Wind (OWI) Normalised Radar Cross Section (NRCS) predicted using a CMOD model and ECMWF wind model data. For each OCN product, a Level-1 counterpart (SLC/GRD) exists. The OCN products and corresponding Level-1 products must be searchable in the same way via the two search options described above. If a sigma naught output layer exists (via measurement = sigma or annotation layer ratio), a co-polarization wind normalization ratio VRT is created by dividing the measurement by the wind-modelled backscatter.

Use one of the following to create no annotation layer:

  • annotation =
  • annotation = None

etad & etad_dir

Determines if the Extended Timing Annotation Dataset (ETAD) correction should be performed or not. If etad=True, etad_dir is searched for ETAD products matching the respective input SLC and a new SLC is created in tmp_dir, which is then used for all other processing steps. If etad=False, etad_dir will be ignored.

Metadata Section


A comma-separated list to define the metadata file formats to be created for each ARD product. Supported options:


Copy the original metadata of the source scene(s) into the ARD product directory? This will copy the file and annotation folder into the subdirectory: /source/<ProductIdentifier>.

access_url, licence, doi & processing_center

The metadata files created for each ARD product contain some fields that should not be hidden away and hardcoded with arbitrary values. Instead, they can be accessed here in order to more easily generate a complete set of metadata. These fields are mostly relevant if you want to produce ARD products systematically and make them available for others. If you don't see a need for them you can just leave the fields empty, use the default 'None' or delete this entire section.

Command Line Interface

Once a configuration file has been created and all of its parameters have been properly defined, it can be used to start the processor using the command line interface (CLI) tool provided with the S1_NRB package.

The following options are currently available.

Print a help message for the CLI tool:

s1_nrb --help

Print the processor version:

s1_nrb --version

Start the processor using parameters defined in the default section of a config.ini file:

s1_nrb -c /path/to/config.ini

Start the processor using parameters defined in section SECTION_NAME of a config.ini file:

s1_nrb -c /path/to/config.ini -s SECTION_NAME

Start the processor using parameters defined in the default section of a config.ini file but override some parameters, e.g. acq_mode and annotation:

s1_nrb -c /path/to/config.ini --acq_mode IW --annotation dm,id

The argument snap_gpt_args is known to require an additional modification so that the - characters in the value are not mistaken for argument keys. In the example SNAP is instructed to use a maximum of 32GB memory, 20GB cache size and 16 threads.

s1_nrb -c /path/to/config.ini -- --snap_gpt_args "-J-Xmx32G -c 20G -x -q 16"