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Project Description

Kevin Prince edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 4 revisions


Mesosphere is a social media network that uses IDs to connect people and build networks via personal connections. Every individual is their own node and voluntarily builds networks of nodes in passing by others and expanding their networks. You only participate in networks and are exposed to nodes you choose. Data you post is stored and accessed via a central server for now. Mesosphere will be aimed at iOS & andriod, and released on andriod (.apk) initially.


Mesosphere will be built using the React-Native Javascript library with the Expo framework to create a cross-platform application which can be experienced in any HTML5. The application will be predominantly written in Javascript and HTML. P2P functionality would utilize WebRTC and Bluetooth exchange will invoke the Web Bluetooth API. Firebase is used to coordinate WebRTC signaling and pairing user IDs to end-device network information (IP/ports). At the time of release, due to limitations on the android platform and our own development time, Firebase acts as the central data server in lieu of a P2P signalling server.