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Sebastian Lühnen edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 3 revisions
Name Description
language language of the Aion client (DE, EN)
aion the path to Aion (e.g. 'C:\Program Files\Gameforge\AION Free-To-Play')
check_chatlog_active check by start from NerdyAion if chatlog is active if not chatlog will be activated (0, 1)
player name by which the player is displayed
dmg_template "dmg show/copy" information structure (Damage template)
show_max "dmg show/copy" only shows the x players (e.g. 10)
sort_by "dmg show/copy" sort the displayed players (name, dmg, dps, dot_dmg, crit_dmg, action_time, skill_count)
check_version Checks if there is a new version available from NerdyAion by start (0, 1)
new_version_browser If a new version available the '/releases' will be open in browser (0, 1)
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