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Folders and files

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helpr is a simple utility package in Go.

It contains the following packages:

  • mgdb
  • rstatus
  • str
  • filemgr
  • filelog
  • crypt


Install the dependency in your project.

go get


mgdb provides some simple methods to use MongoDB in Go.

It is created to save you a few lines of codes. It's not necessary to use it.


import ""

func myFunc() error {
  // Context with timeout.
  ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
  defer cancel()
  // Initialise.
  m, err := mgdb.New(ctx, "mongodb://myDbURI:1234", "myDbName")
  if err != nil {
    return err
  defer m.Close(ctx) // Remember to close.
  db := m.Db
  // Use it as normal mongo calls.
  coll := db.Collection("humanBody")
  if _, err := coll.DeleteMany(ctx, bson.M{}); err != nil {
    return err
  // Check document existence.
  isThere, err := mgdb.DocExists(coll, bson.M{"bodypart": "myhead"})
  if err != nil {
    return err
  if !isThere {
    fmt.Print("Oh no! Where's my head?!")
  } else {
    fmt.Print("Thought I told you to cut off everything?!")


rstatus can be used as a function return status that can make the returned error more specific.

It's able to return a relevant http status code based on the error.


import ""

func main() {
  s := stickYourHandInHere("left")
  if s.Err != nil { // Check if there's error.
    log.Printf("There's an error: %v", s.Message)
    if s.Type == rstatus.ReturnStatusFailDB {
    } else if s.Type == rstatus.ReturnStatusFailExternalParty {
    } else if s.Type == rstatus.ReturnStatusFailInternal {
    } else if s.Type == rstatus.ReturnStatusFailInvalidInput {
  } else { // If no error, we can assume that function call is successful.
  httpStatusCode := s.GetHTTPStatus(); // Get relevant HTTP status code.

func stickYourHandInHere(hand string) rstatus.Status {
  if hand == "left" {
    stuff, err := getMysteryStuffFromDatabase(hand)
    if err != nil {
      return rstatus.New(rstatus.ReturnStatusFailDB, "Database error", err) // DB error
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("Congrats! You got yourself a %v from our database!", stuff)
    return rstatus.New(rstatus.ReturnStatusSuccess, msg, nil) // No error
  } else if hand == "right" {
    stuff, err := grabStuffFromOutside(hand)
    if err != nil {
      return rstatus.New(rstatus.ReturnStatusFailExternalParty, "External party error", err) // External party error
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("Congrats! You got yourself a %v from our involuntary sponsor!", stuff)
    return rstatus.New(rstatus.ReturnStatusSuccess, msg, nil) // No error
  } else if "fakehand" {
    msg := "Internal error: We're having indigestion..."
    err := errors.New(msg)
    return rstatus.New(rstatus.ReturnStatusFailInternal, msg, err) // Internal error.
  } else {
    msg := "What the hell did you put in here?!"
    err := errors.New(msg)
    return rstatus.New(rstatus.ReturnStatusFailInvalidInput, msg, err)


str is a string utility.


import ""

func main() {
  s := "This is My String to Search"
  substr := "sea"

  if str.CaseInsensitiveSearch(s, substr) {
    log.Print("Result is true. This will be printed") // Will only print this.
  } else { 
    log.Print("Result is false. This will NEVER be printed")


filemgr is a file utility.


import ""

func main() {
  content1 := "This is my CONTENT1"
  filename := "test.txt"

  // File will be created if it does not exist. 
  // If file already exist and overwriteIfExist=false (3rd param), nothing will happen (content will NOT be written into it).
  // If file already exist and overwriteIfExist=true, file will be truncated and content (2nd param) will be written into it.
  err := filemgr.CreateFileIfNotExist(filename, content1, true) 
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error calling CreateFileIfNotExist: %s", err.Error()))

  content2 := "My CONTENT2"
  err = filemgr.AppendFileCreateIfNotExist(filename, content2) // content2 will be appended to file.
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error calling AppendFileCreateIfNotExist: %s", err.Error()))
  notExist, err := filemgr.FileNotExist(filename) // notExist will be false since file is created earlier.
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error calling FileNotExist: %s", err.Error()))
  err = filemgr.DeleteFileIfExist(filename) // File will be deleted.
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error calling DeleteFileIfExist: %s", err.Error()))


filelog is a file logging utility.


import ""

func main() {
  filename := "mylog.log"
  content1 := "content1 CONTENT1"

  // Initiate object with filename. 
  // 0 (2nd param: max file size) indicates no need to check if log file already exist and if >= the size.
  // If 2nd param is more than 0, it will check if file already exist, and if its size is >= this value.
  // If both are true, it will then rename existing file to <filename>-<timestamp>, while creating a new <filename>
  // when calling the next LogAppend.
  fl := filelog.New(filename, 0) 

  // Calling LogAppend will append to log (with timestamp). If log file does not exist, it will create and log content1.
  // If log file already exist, it will append content1 to it.
  err := fl.LogAppend(content1)
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error calling LogAppend: %s", err.Error()))

  // Calling LogNew will log as new (with timestamp). If log file does not exist, it will create and log content1.
  // If log file already exist, it will truncate it and then log content1 (thus only content1 will in the log file).
  err := fl.LogNew(content1)
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error calling LogNew: %s", err.Error()))

  // Calling LogAppendPanic will append to log (with timestamp) and "panic" (exit) program. If log file does not exist, it will create and log content1.
  // If log file already exist, it will append content1 to it.


crypt is a crypto utility.


import ""

func main() {
  // AES encryption key must be 32 bytes.
  aesKey := []byte("abcdefghij1234567890abcdefghij12") 

  // AES encryption.
  err = crypt.EncryptAes(aesKey, "mySourceFile.txt", "myEncryptedFile.bin")
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic("Error encrypting file")

  // AES decryption.
  err = crypt.DecryptAes(aesKey, "myEncryptedFile.bin", "myDescryptedFile.txt")
  if err != nil {
    log.Panic("Error decrypting file")