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Notes for Front-end Software Engineers. Covers common data structure and algorithms, basic web concepts, HTML & CSS & Javascript.

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FrontEndCollection (Keep updating, hopefully...)

Web Development Basics


1. What happens when you type in a URL
2. GET vs POST
3. What can we do to improve a website's performance?
4. HTML5 offline storage mechanism
5. Common time and space-complexity
6. What has been deprecated, and what is new on HTML5?
7. How the DOM really works?
8. Inline elements, Block elements, and what are the differences?
9. Several ways to call a function
10. A brief introduction of the differences between "src" and "href"
11. A brief introduction of Call, Apply, Bind
12. Time and space complexity for common sorting algorithm


1. What is the difference between display:none and visibility:hidden style?
2. What is BFC(Block Formatting Context)


1. Accordion 🪗
2. ModalBox 💬
3. Drum Kit 🥁
4. Mini Clock 🕑
5. Playing with Variables 🎩

Deep Dive in Javascript

Learn More on

1. Implement Curry()
2. implement Array.prototype.flat()
3. Implement curry() with placeholder support

Data Structures & Algorithm Part in JavaScript


Binary Search
Search Insert Position
Squares of a Sorted Array
Move Zeros


Reverse Linked List
Rotate Array
Meeting Rooms II
Intersection of Two Arrays II
Remove Nth Node From End of List
K Closest Points to Origin


Container With Most Water
Trapping Rain Water
Product of Array Except Self
Merge Intervals
Longest Consecutive Sequence
Coin Change
Gas Station
Top K Frequent Elements
3 Sum
Count Binary Substrings
Word Search
Subarray Sum Equals K
Subdomain Visit Count
Next Permutation
Expressive Words
Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Verifying an Alien Dictionary
4Sum(nSum universal solution)
3Sum Closest
Jump Game



Valid Parentheses
Longest Common Prefix
Valid Palindrome II


Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses
Generate Parentheses
Decode String
Longest Palindromic Substring
Time Based Key-Value Store
Roman to Integer


Linked List Cycle


Linked List Cycle II


Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal


Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
Invert Binary Tree



Unit 2 Exploring Databases and SQL
ER diagram, Relational Algebra, SQL / NOSQL
Unit 3: Data Storage
Unit 4: Data Indexing
Unit 5: Transactions and Recovery
Unit 6: Concurrency
Unit 1 - 6 Practice Questions Solutions

🤯 If you find errors in the content of this project, don't hesitate to submit issues or pull requests on GitHub for corrections, I really, really appreciate it

🤯如果你发现本项目有任何内容上的错误,欢迎在 GitHub 提交 issues 或者 pull requests 进行打脸


Notes for Front-end Software Engineers. Covers common data structure and algorithms, basic web concepts, HTML & CSS & Javascript.






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  • JavaScript 43.6%
  • HTML 30.8%
  • CSS 25.6%