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561 lines (335 loc) · 19.6 KB

File metadata and controls

561 lines (335 loc) · 19.6 KB

Script Documentation


Scripts that assist in creating a logical data model in UML. Scripts preparing the derivation of physical data schemas are not included here.


Converts single-line tagged values to multi-line tagged values.

Converts single-line tagged values with the given name to multi-line tagged values. Multi-line tagged values are also known as "memo" tagged values.

This can be useful when custom tagged values, not defined in a UML profile, have been added to model elements, and it becomes clear that they can contain a large amount of text and/or line breaks and new lines.


Sets the stereotype of a model to Grunddata::DKDomænemodel.

Certain older models were given stereotype Grunddata::DKDomænemodel, but for some reason (a bug or shortcoming in older EA versions?), the fully-qualified stereotype was not saved in the XMI-file.

For newer models with stereotype Grunddata::DKDomænemodel, the XMI 1.1 file in SVN will contain a tagged value with name $ea_xref_property and a value that contains FQName=Grunddata::DKDomænemodel, for example:

<UML:TaggedValue tag="stereotype" value="DKDomænemodel"/>
<UML:TaggedValue tag="$ea_xref_property" value="…Name=DKDomænemodel;FQName=Grunddata::DKDomænemodel…"/>

For older models, the tagged value with name $ea_xref_property is not present. This gives issues when loading the model when the MDG containing the Grunddata2::DKDomænemodel stereotype is loaded, as EA then possibly assumes that the stereotype of the model is Grunddata2::DKDomænemodel, not Grunddata::DKDomænemodel. You can see that this is the case when the stereotype in the docked Properties Window is shown as Grunddata2::DKDomænemodel, whereas the Properties Dialog contains a tab "Grunddata", showing the tags defined for stereotype Grunddata::DKDomænemodel.

This script sets the fully-qualified stereotype of the selected package to Grunddata::DKDomænemodel directly in the EA project file. The package does not have to be checked out to be able to do this. This can be sufficient when you only want to export the model in a certain format.

Note: you need to select another package and then the updated package again to see the change in the Properties Window.

To set the correct fully-qualified stereotype in the XMI file as well,

  1. make sure all the package's dependencies are present in the EA project file;
  2. check out the package;
  3. run this script;
  4. check in the package again.


Change attribute type to classifier reference.

Makes sure that the types of the attributes are actually present as classifiers in the model.


Upgrade a model from the UML profile of "Modelregler for Grunddata version 1" to the UML profile of "Modelregler for Grunddata version 2".

Update a model to use the UML profile for basic data (grunddata) version 2 instead of the UML profile for basic data version 1. This includes:

  • updating the stereotypes;
  • copying the values of the tagged values, when possible;
  • updating the definitions to start with a lower case character and to end without a full stop;
  • creating classification models from enumeration, if wanted;
  • updating the diagram types.

Prerequisite: The following MDGs must be installed and enabled:

  • MDG with id GD2MDG (for Basic Data v2) in file Grunddata2MDG.xml;
  • MDG with id Grunddata (for Basic Data v1) in file GrunddataMDG.xml;
  • MDG with id Geodata (for Basic Data v1) in file Geodata MDG.xml.

MDG's are located in %APPDATA%\Sparx Systems\EA\MDGTechnologies; the id of an MDG is found in attribute id in element /MDG.Technology/Documentation/.

Note: it can be neccesary to use script fix-grunddata-dkdomaenemodel-stereotype first.

Note: not all mandatory version 2 tags can be filled out from the version 1 tags, so for a model to be version 2 compliant, more tags must be filled out.


Remove a tagged value from the model.

Removes all tagged values, with the name given via user input, from all classifiers used in data modelling, and from their properties, in the selected package and subpackages.


Sets the language of all clasess, datatypes, enumerations, interfaces and packages in the selected package to <none>, to indicate that the model element is not language-specific.


Updates the version, author and status.

Updates the version, author and status on all elements in this package and subpackages.

If the package has stereotype Grunddata::DKDomænemodel, the tagged value version is updated.

If the package has stereotype Grunddata2::DKDomænemodel, the tagged values versionInfo and responsibleEntity are updated.

Packages with other stereotypes are not supported.


Scripts that assist in importing and exporting a logical data model.

Certain scripts import or export CSV files. CSV files can be opened, edited and exported using an application capable of dealing with spreadsheets, such as LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel. Use "UTF-8" as character set and a comma (",") as separator. For more information, see

Warning: Never change the contents of column GUID, as this information is required to link a row in the CSV file to the corresponding UML model element.

Tip: Convert a set of CSV files to one spreadsheet when the data has to be edited by someone else. When the editing is finished, the spreadsheets are converted again to a set of CSV files and imported into EA. The conversion can be done manually, via your spreadsheet application GUI. Another option is to convert the files programmatically, for example by using ogr2ogr.

ogr2ogr -f ODS -nln Classifiers -oo HEADERS=YES documentation.ods "Model_Elements.csv"
ogr2ogr -update -f ODS -nln Attributes -oo HEADERS=YES documentation.ods "Model_Attributes.csv"
ogr2ogr -update -f ODS -nln AssociationEnds -oo HEADERS=YES documentation.ods "Model_Associationends.csv"
ogr2ogr -update -f ODS -nln EnumerationLiterals -oo HEADERS=YES documentation.ods "Model_EnumerationLiterals.csv"


Exports a data model with the user-defined settings.

Exports a data model to a CSV file. The package containing the data model must be selected in the Project Browser.

It is possible to choose the language: choose between da (Danish), en (English) and und (all available languages).

It is possible to choose the strictness mode: choose between strict (fail when a tag is missing in the model), moderate (print MISSING TAG in the output file when a tag is missing in the model) and lenient (output an empty string in the output file when a tag is missing in in the model. Use lenient when you are dealing with a model that you cannot change right now. Use moderate to identify the missing tags, and them in the model, and run this script again, now with strictness mode strict.

This script uses one of the templates data_model_profile_csv.ftl in %EAMT_HOME%/config/templates.


Exports a data model with the default settings.

Exports a data model to a CSV file. The package containing the data model must be selected in the Project Browser.

Only the language-independent and the Danish tags are exported. If one of those tags is missing in the model, the called application will fail (check the log file!).

Use script export-data-model-configurable for more options.

This script uses one of the templates data_model_profile_csv.ftl in %EAMT_HOME%/config/templates.


Exports the result of an SQL query to a CSV file.

Exports a certain view of a data model, exposed via an SQL query, to a CSV file.

The SQL query must not contain new lines or line breaks.

If one of the columns represent a Notes field, special handling is needed because Notes can contain HTML tags and HTML character entities. Currently, all columns are handled in the same way, there in other words no possibility to indicate per column whether special handling is needed.

An example is an export of the restrictions present in a model. The constraint text is stored in a Notes field.


Exports a data model to a data vocabulary.

Exports a data model to a Danish data vocabulary in the CSV format. The package containing the concept model must be selected in the Project Browser. If a URL is available for the dataset that is described by the data model, it can be provided and will be added to the data model.

This script uses template vocabulary_csv.ftl in %EAMT_HOME%/config/templates.


Updates a data model by importing the tags specified in a CSV file.

Updates a data model by importing the tags specified in a CSV file. Use this scripts for tags NOT defined by a UML profile. If the tag does not exist yet, it will be created. If the specified value is empty, the tag will be deleted.

The output of query model_elements_tagged_value_export (EA Modellings Tools SQL) can be used as a starting point for the file to import.


Updates a data model by importing the tags specified in a CSV file.

Updates a data model by importing the tags specified in a CSV file. Use this scripts for tags defined by a UML profile. If the tag does not exist yet, it will not be created.

The output of one of the scripts export-data-model-* can be used as a starting point for the file to import.


Validation scripts to validate the model against for instance the basic data model rules version 2.


Validates a model model against the basic data model rules version 2.


Validates any model against the basic data model rules version 2 for a specific profile.


Validates any model against the simplest rules for modelling in SDFI.


Validates sequence numbers.

Validates all of the following:

  1. A tagged value sequenceNumber is set on the ends of outgoing associations of classifiers having more than one outgoing association;
  2. A classifier has no properties with the same sequenceNumber.

ShapeChange ensures that in a case where sequence numbers are not explicitly set, attributes are placed in front of association roles by giving attributes a sufficiently low sequence number. Therefore, it is sufficient to have sequence numbers on associations ends only, attributes do not need sequence numbers (but may have sequence numbers).


Scripts that assist in preparing the derivation of physical data schemas, e.g. using ShapeChange.


Adds tagged values with database name.

Adds tagged value "dbName" containing the name to be used in the database for all relevant model elements (not on enumeration values).

The database name is set using the following logic:

flowchart LR
    %% decisions
    oracleNameSet{"Is tagged value<br />oracleName set?"}
    transliteratedNameSet{Is tagged value<br />transliteratedName set?}
    %% outcomes
    useOracleName[Use the value of tagged value oracleName as value of tagged value dbName]
    usetransliteratedName[Use tagged value transliteratedName as value of tagged value dbName]
    useModelElementName[Use model element name as value of tagged value dbName]
    %% arrows
    Start --> oracleNameSet
    oracleNameSet --> | yes | useOracleName --> End
    oracleNameSet --> | no | transliteratedNameSet
    transliteratedNameSet --> | yes | usetransliteratedName --> End
    transliteratedNameSet --> | no | useModelElementName --> End

A special mapping is done for the following attributes:

  • geometry → geometri
  • beginLifespanVersion → registreringFra
  • endLifespanVersion → registreringTil


Adds tagged values with a GML name.

Adds tagged value "gmlName" containing the name to be used in the GML application schema for all relevant model elements (not on enumeration values).

The GML name is set using the following logic:

flowchart LR
    %% decisions
    gisNameSet{"Is tagged value<br />gisName set?"}
    transliteratedNameSet{Is tagged value<br />transliteratedName set?}
    %% outcomes
    useGisName[Use tagged value gisName as value of tagged value gmlName]
    usetransliteratedName[Use tagged value transliteratedName as value of tagged value gmlName]
    useModelElementName[Use model element name as value of tagged value gmlName]
    %% arrows
    Start --> gisNameSet
    gisNameSet --> | yes | useGisName --> End
    gisNameSet --> | no | transliteratedNameSet
    transliteratedNameSet --> | yes | usetransliteratedName --> End
    transliteratedNameSet --> | no | useModelElementName --> End

Setting a GML name is useful when dealing with feature collections, where the GDAL/OGR GML driver expects the property name for the feature collection member to end on "member" or "members".

By using those kinds of property names, at least support for GML in QGIS is better and thus more user-friendly. See e.g. inspire-eu-validation/ets-repository#142.

An example:

    class MyFeatureCollection {
    class MyFeature {
    MyFeatureCollection o--> "myFeature 0..*" MyFeature


  1. setting tagged value gisName = myFeatureMember for property myFeature
  2. using this script
  3. configuring ShapeChange to use the value of gmlName when present

the GML application schema below is obtained.

<element name="MyFeatureCollection" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractFeature" type="ex:MyFeatureCollectionType">
<complexType name="MyFeatureCollectionType">
        <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
                <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="myFeatureMember">
                            <extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureMemberType">
                                    <element ref="ex:MyFeature"/>

A GML document specifying a feature collection of type MyFeatureCollection, containing features of type MyFeature, will be recognized by the GDAL/OGR GML driver as having a layer called MyFeature, and its features can be visualized in QGIS without doing any modifications or transformations.

For more information about GML feature collections, see section 9.9 in the GML 3.2.2 specification.


Sets the size tag of attributes based on the referenced enumeration.

Adds a tagged value "size" to attributes. The value is based on the length of the enumeration literals of the enumeration that is the attribute's type.

You can choose whether to calculate the length in bytes (for Oracle) or in characters (for Oracle and PostgreSQL).

Note that the size of characters in a database depends on the character set of the database. This script can be used for an Oracle database with character set AL32UTF8.

See and


Transliterates the names of the model elements.

Transliterates the Danish characters and the letter e with acute to Basic Latin characters for all model elements, and puts the transliterated name in tagged value transliteratedName. Enumeration literals are not transliterated, and if an enumeration literal has that tagged value, it is removed.

  • ø → oe
  • æ → ae
  • å → aa
  • é → e


Tools for persons that contribute to the development of the EAMT scripts.


Retrieves the Windows process id of this EA instance.

Retrieves the Windows process id of the EA instance from which this script is invoked. The process id can be used as an argument to one of the applications in the EAMT Modelling Tools Java.


Scripts that assist in managing profiles of data models.


Adds a new profile to model elements, if not yet present.

Adds a new profile to the package and/or classifier (including the classifier's properties) selected in the project browser.


Prepare a model for profiling.

Adds tagged value "profiles" to the package and/or classifier (including the classifier's properties) selected in the project browser, if that tagged value is not yet present.

The value of tagged value "profiles" is set to an empty string, if the tagged value is not yet present.


Remove all information regarding profiles from the model.

Remove tagged value "profiles" from all relevant model elements of the selected package.


Scripts used for keeping scripts developed in EA under version control.


Exports the EAMT scripts

Exports the scripts in the EAMT scripts groups as

  1. a EA reference data file for import in another EA instance
  2. seperate script files
  3. a separate file, containing the documentation extracted from the scripts

The scripts should be saved in folder .../ea-modelling-tools-javascript/src.


Exports the scripts in one or more scripts groups as

  1. a EA reference data file for import in another EA instance
  2. seperate script files
  3. a separate file, containing the documentation extracted from the scripts

The name/regex is used in a LIKE expression in the database of EA project file.

For .qea files, see the LIKE operator in SQLite.

For .eapx files, see the LIKE operator in Microsoft Jet SQL Note that an asterisk (*) in a regex must be escaped with a backslash. So use xyz\* instead of xyz* to export all script groups that have a name starting with xyz.


Scripts containing utility functions, that are used by other scripts.