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Swift 5.8

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@SDGGiesbrecht SDGGiesbrecht released this 04 Apr 06:38

This release corresponds to Swift 5.8, which has no tagged semantic version upstream (yet).

The following minor modifications have been made:

  • Dependency version requirements have been adjusted:
    • The swift‐tools‐support‐core dependency has been switched from a branch to 0.5.2.
    • The llbuild, swift‐crypto and swift‐driver dependencies have been redirected to forks with tagged semantic versions of their own, since they either also have no upstream version available, or the upstream versions constrain deployment targets.
    • Several other dependencies which were already pointing at semantic versions have had their requirements loosened from .upToNextMinor(from: x) to from: x.
  • Deployment targets have been converted into availability attributes.
  • ObservabilitySystem has been exported through the Workspace module. (It appears frequently in the public interface, but originates from an internal module that clients cannot import directly.)