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scRNA-seq analysis for construction of multicellular network models (MNM) and prioritization of upstream regulatory (UR) genes

Instructions for running the codes

The project is divided into 3 main parts

Data preparation, and analyses for UR prediction and MNM construction

The data can be processed by running the following script. The expected data inputs are two csv.gz tables with cells in columns and genes in rows, where one corresponds to patients and the other to healthy controls. The data can be found at and we recommend saving them in bin/data folder. The file creates the directory structure and calls the functions to run Quality assesment and full matrix construction, Cell type analysis and Differnetial expression analysis

The main output from this script are lists of significant DEGs (q-val < 0.05) (one list for each cell type, and time point) with fold changes (FCs), comparing "HA vs HC" (compares allergen challenged samples between allergic patients and healthy controls) from the Differnetial expression analysis (Example Table 1). These output files can be found in "data/DEGS_with_Monocle/Monocle_out_withFCs".

Additional output file from intermediate steps include;

  • One quality sorted matrix per input file (eg. "data/HA_min200genesPerCell_sorted_expression_matrix.csv"),
  • One knn-smoothed matrix per input file (eg. "data/knn_smoothing/HA_min200genesPerCell_sorted_expression_matrix.knn-smooth_k14.csv"),
  • One Rdataframe (.rds) file, containing the knn-smoothed matrix and the cell type identity for each cell included, per input file (eg. "data/RCA_out/full_matrix/HA_min200genesPerCell_sorted_ENTREZ_expression_matrix.knn-smooth_k14_und-rm_withCellTypes.rds'")
  • The lists of DEGs before q-val sorting and FC calculation. To be found in "data/DEGS_with_Monocle/Monocle_out".

Note that the scripts are developed based on project specific questions. To adapt them towards your own data and questions, some modifications may be needed, in which case we recommend RStudio.


### Read data from GSE180697 and save it to data folder
filenames = c('data/GSE180697_SAR_patients_expression_matrix.csv.gz',

### Preprocess the data and remove outliers
HA = sc_data_quality_sorting(filenames[1])
write.csv(HA, 'data/HA_min200genesPerCell_sorted_expression_matrix.csv', quote = F)
HC = sc_data_quality_sorting(filenames[2])
write.csv(HC, 'data/HC_min200genesPerCell_sorted_expression_matrix.csv', quote = F)

### Run knn smoothing
#system(chmod u+x
# Code by
system('./ ')

### Run cell typing

### Run pre-DEG analysis

### Run Monocle_v3_RAdata

#Type of analysis could be 'HA_vs_HC' for DEGs between healthy and sick,
#and 'HA' or 'HC' for dilutant vs allergen challenged
Type_of_Analyses = 'HA_vs_HC'

### Run sc_FC_zero_infl_neg-binomial

### Run plot_DEGs.R
plots = plot_custom()

Quality assesment and full matrix construction

To ensure good quality data for downstream analyses, it is recommended to remove poor quality cells from the analyses. Here, we define and keep the good quality cells as those having a minimum of 400 transcripts, 200 genes, and less than 20% mitochondrial genes. Due to the risk of duplicates in the library resulting in two or more cells sharing a cell barcode, it is also recommend to remove outliers, which can be based on empirical evaluation of the distributionan overestimation of transcripts count over the cells.

The expected input is for this part is a matrix with genes in rows and cells in columns. The quality of the data and removal of the outliers is done using sc_data_quality_sorting.R

Cell type analysis

The references for cell type identification were created by RCA_reference_construction.R in R 3.4, and added to the RCA sysdata file installed. Input to this scripts are the normalized matrix output from microarray analyses based on which the references should be constructed.

RCA_cellType_identification.R is then run to map the cells towards the newly created references. As this script is based on some modifications to the Reference Component Analysis (RCA, Li et al., 2017 with calculations of p-values and newly created references, the modified codes need to be added as well (as part of the script). These modified codes you can find in /RNA_mod/. As input matrix to this code we used the knn-smoothed data (output using script from Wagner et al., 2018, but any UMI-based expression matrix should work equally.

  1. RCA_reference_construction.R # Build references for cell type identification
  2. RCA_cellType_identification.R # Cell type identification using reference component analysis

Differnetial expression analysis

To prepare the data from cell type analysis for differential expression analysis, we run pre-DEG_analysis.R. This script will ensure that the input to Monocle_v3_RAdata.r is is the correct format. It will also compute some basic statistics, such as the number of cells per sample (cell type, time point, etc).

Monocle_v3_RAdata.r is run to calculate differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between allergen challenged and non-challenged samples. Some modifications to the code are needed to compute DEGs between any other pair of groups.

The fold changes (FCs) for the DEGs, we calculate using sc_FC_zero-infl-neg-bionmial.R. This will compute FCs between allergen challenged vs non-challenged, meaning that a positive FC indicates a higher mean expression in the allergen challenged compared to the non-challenged group. Some modifications to the code are needed to compute the FCs between any other pair of groups.

We plot the distrinbution of DEGs over different time points and cell types (Fig 1), as well as the number of cell types over different time points and treatment groups (Fig 2), by plot_DEGs.R.

  1. pre-DEG_analysis.R # statistics and preparation of input files for DEG analysis
  2. Monocle_v3_RAdata.r # Calculate DEGs
  3. sc_FC_zero-infl-neg-bionmial.R # FC calculations
  4. plot_DEGs.R # Plot the distribution of DEGs

Fig 1. log(number of DEGs) identified between allergen-stimulated and diluent-stimulated cells, for each cell type at the different time points.

Fig 2. Cell type proportions in different groups of allergen-stimulated (A) and diluent-stimulated (D), as well as unstimulated control (C), samples from healthy individuals at the different time points.

Table 1. Example output file from sc_FC_zero-infl-neg-bionmial.R. The file only include significant DEGs (q-val < 0.05). 'Mean expr HA' and 'Mean expr HC' indicate the mean expression level of the given gene in each group (HA: patients and HC: healthy controls) respectively.


Upstream Regulatory (UR) gene prediction in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)

IPA is a commercial software, but you can request a free trial here (

To reproduce the analyses for prediction of URs from our project, follow the following pipeline.

  1. Creat a project (eg. SAR) in the Project Manager to upload the lists of DEGs (differentially expressed genes) from the Differnetial expression analysis. The lists of DEGs are found in "data/DEGS_with_Monocle/Monocle_out_withFCs". In those cases where >5000 significant DEGs were identified, the DEGs need to be prioritized, due to limitations in IPA. We included the top 5000 DEGs (based on lowest q-value, the values are included in the file containing DEGs) into the IPA analysis. This is not part of the current scripts, but the user need to remove all rows before loading the data into IPA.

For each list of DEGs (there is one list for each cell type and time point), perform step 2 - 8, for UR prediction in IPA.

  1. Upload the DEGs into the project “Dataset Files”, including their corresponding LogFCs and q-values (these values are included in the same files containing DEGs). Based on these data, choose the ID “Human gene symbol”, and the observation names “Expr Log Ratio” (LogFC) and “Expr False Discovery Rate” (q-val). Keep both LogFC and q-val as the same group, “observation 1”. ”Save” and name the dataset.

  2. In the lower right corner, click “Analyze/Filter Dataset” and then “Core Analysis” to perform IPA analysis of the data.

  3. Click ”next”, to get to the settings.

  4. In the settings. based on this dataset, define “General settings - Species” = Human, “Node Types” = All, “Data Sources” = All, “Tissues&Cell Lines” = All, and “Mutation” = All.

  5. Run the analyses by “Run Analysis”.

  6. All the performed analyses can be found in the “SAR” project under “Analyses”. To see and export the results for further analyses, choose your current analysis.

  7. In the top tab tools, go to “Upstream Analysis” to show the UR prediction results. The results can be downloaded by clicking .

Note: For downstream codes to run smoothly, create a directory "data/IPA_UR-prediction", and one sub-directory per time point, eg. "UR_0h_HA_vs_HC". The time point must be part of the sub-directory naming. Save all the output files from IPA (step 8 above) into their respective sub-directories. Name the files according to the following structure: "celltype_timepoint_otherInfo.xls", eg. "Bcells_0h_HA_vs_HC.xls".

Table 2. Example output from IPA UR prediction.


Construction of multicellular network models (MNMs) and ranking of URs

The post-IPA data can be processed by running the following script (main_post_IPA.R). The file creates the output directory structure and calls the functions to run MNM construction, and Ranking of URs.

Input to this code are the output files from Ingenuity Pathway analysis and from the Differnetial expression analysis. The files can be found in "data/IPA_UR-prediction" and "data/DEGS_with_Monocle/Monocle_out_withFCs", respectively. Example data to run the codes can be found in "example_data/IPA_UR-prediction" (output from IPA) and in "example_data/DEGs" (lists of DEGs).

The output consists of multiple files from MNM construction, one for each time point, (eg. "/data/Multicellular_Network_Models/0h_UR_interactions.csv") (see example Table 3) and one file containing rank-ordered URs ("daat/UR-rank/UR_ranking.csv") (example Table 4).


### UR prioritization
# MNM_construction('data/IPA_UR-prediction', 
#                  'data/DEGS_with_Monocle/Monocle_out_withFCs', 
#                  'data/Multicellular_Network_Models')

### MNM costruction, example data
                 time_points = '3D')

### UR prioritization
# UR_ranking('data/IPA_UR-prediction', 'data/UR-rank')

### UR prioritization, example data
UR_ranking('../example_data/IPA_UR-prediction', 'data/UR-rank')

MNM construction

The MNMs are constructed for each time point by running MNM_construction.R in R 4.0. Input to this script are the UR predictions from IPA and the list of DEGs. For the script to run smoothly, ensure that the input directory containing the UR predictions from IPA includes one subdirectory per time point, which in turn should include only, but all, the files to construct the MNMs. Additionally, ensure that the directory containing the DEGs includes only, but all, the files for MNM construction. See "MNM_construction.R" for more details.

Output: One .csv file per time point containing combined data from the IPA UR-predictions and DEG analysis for each interacting 'source cell type'-UR-'target cell type' combination.

Table 3. Example output from MNM_construction.R


Ranking of URs

The URs from the IPA predictions are ranked based on the number of cell types and time points in which they were predicted, by running UR_ranking.R in R 4.0. Input to this script are the UR predictions from IPA. The structure of the data should be the same as for MNM construction, with one subdirectory per time point. See "UR_ranking.R" for more details.

Output: One .csv file containing a rank-ordered list of UR genes and the number of cell types and time point in which it was a predicted regulator.

Table 4. Example output from UR_ranking.R. The top listed URs are predicted in the highest number of cell types and time points, and are potentially more important for disease compared to the low-ranked URs (at the bottom of the file).
