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4.0.0 Beta

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@bpoplauschi bpoplauschi released this 05 Oct 09:27
· 2438 commits to master since this release

See all tickets marked for the 4.0.0 release


  • support for watchOS and OS X platforms #1595
  • the SDWebImage xcodeproj contains the following targets:
    • SDWebImage iOS static (iOS static lib)
    • SDWebImage watchOS static (watchOS static lib)
    • SDWebImage OSX (OSX dynamic framework)
    • SDWebImage iOS (iOS dynamic framework)
    • SDWebImage tvOS (tvOS dynamic framework)
    • SDWebImage watchOS (watchOS dynamic framework)
    • the SDWebImage Demo xcodeproj contains the following targets:
      • SDWebImage OSX Demo
      • SDWebImage iOS Demo
      • SDWebImage TV Demo
      • SDWebImage Watch Demo
  • bumped libwep version to 0.5.1
  • improved unit testing code coverage (35% -> 77%) and integrated CodeCov

Backwards incompatible changes

  • removed all deprecated methods (that we carried around for backwards compatibility in previous versions) #774
  • Renamed SDWebImageManager downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed: to loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed: as it makes more sense, since we check the cache first and download only if needed a32a177
  • Deleted targets: SDWebImage+MKAnnotation, SDWebImage+WebP, SDWebImageFramework:
    • SDWebImagetarget that build as a static library (all subspecs included) -> libSDWebImage.a
    • SDWebImageiOS and SDWebImagetvOS targets that build as dynamic frameworks
  • Renamed the dynamic frameworks targets from WebImage to SDWebImage. Renamed the WebImage.h to SDWebImage.h to match the framework naming
  • Renamed the schemes for consistency. Updated the Tests Podfile + project.
  • For #883 Fix multiple requests for same image and then canceling one, several breaking changes were needed:
    • SDWebImageDownloader method - downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed: now returns a SDWebImageDownloadToken * instead of id <SDWebImageOperation> (give the ability to cancel downloads using the returned token)
    • SDWebImageDownloaderOperation initializer - initWithRequest:options:progress:completed:cancelled split into - initWithRequest:options and addHandlersForProgress:completed:. Note: there is no more cancel block
  • Modern Objective-C syntax done in 64382b9 includes:
    • initializers now return instancetype instead of id
    • explicit designated initializers (i.e. for SDImageCache)
  • For #1575 GIF support using FLAnimatedImage, several changes were needed:
    • replaced type SDWebImageQueryCompletedBlock with SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock and added an NSData * param
    • because of the change above, the done param of SDImageCache queryDiskCacheForKey:done: is now a SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock and those blocks must now include an NSData * param
    • replaced type SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock with SDInternalCompletionBlock and added an NSData * param
    • because of the change above, the completed param of SDWebImageManager loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed: is now SDInternalCompletionBlock and those blocks must now include an NSData * param
    • for consistency with the previous change, also renamed SDWebImageCompletionBlock to SDExternalCompletionBlock
    • UIImage will no longer respond to sd_animatedGIFNamed: or sd_animatedImageByScalingAndCroppingToSize:
  • Xcode 7 Objective-C updates (Lightweight Generics and Nullability) #1581
    • breaks compatibility at least for Swift users of the framework
  • watchOS and OS X support #1595 required
    • renamed SDWebImage iOS static lib target to SDWebImage iOS static for clarity
  • improving the unit tests code coverage #1681 required
    • Refactored NSData ImageContentType category, instead of returning the contentType as a string, the new added method sd_imageFormatForImageData will return a SDImageFormat enum value
    • SDImageCache configuration properties moved into SDImageCacheConfiguration (which is now available via config property):
      • shouldDecompressImages
      • shouldDisableiCloud
      • shouldCacheImagesInMemory
      • maxCacheAge
      • maxCacheSize
    • The storeImage: methods from SDImageCache were async already, but declared as sync. Properly marked them as async + added completion. Got rid of the recalculate param. If the NSData is provided, use it. Otherwise, recalculate from the UIImage
    • Removed the synchronous methods diskImageExistsForURL: and cachedImageExistsForURL: from SDWebImageManager
    • Removed the synchronous method diskImageExistsWithKey: from SDImageCache
    • Get rid of the confusion caused by cleanDisk and clearDisk on SDImageCache. Renamed cleanDisk to deleteOldFiles. No longer expose the sync clearDisk and deleteOldFiles, just the async ones.
    • Renamed SDImageCache queryDiskCacheForKey:done: to queryCacheOperationForKey:done:
    • Another SDImageCache clarification: imageFromDiskCacheForKey: used to also check the memory cache which I think is misleading. Now imageFromDiskCacheForKey only checks the disk cache and the new method imageFromCacheForKey checks both caches
    • Got rid of removeImageForKey: and removeImageForKey:fromDisk: from SDImageCache that looked sync but were async. Left only the 2 async ones
    • Removed UIImageView sd_cancelCurrentHighlightedImageLoad
  • Added sd_ prefix to the activity indicator related methods (setShowActivityIndicatorView:, setIndicatorStyle:, showActivityIndicatorView, addActivityIndicator, removeActivityIndicator) #1640
  • Use dispatch_main_async_safe for all the completion blocks on the main queue (used to be dispatch_sync) - avoiding locks.
  • Removed dispatch_main_sync_safe as it can be mistakenly used
  • Add url as param to progress block SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock - #984


  • Switched our GIF support to a better implementation: FLAnimatedImage by Flipboard #1575
    • requires iOS 8+ (it's the only way due to FLAnimatedImage requirements)
    • the implementation relies on a WebCache category on top of FLAnimatedImageView
    • details in the README
  • Converted any remaining code to Modern Objective-C syntax - 64382b9
  • Xcode 7 Objective-C updates (Lightweight Generics and Nullability) #1581
  • via #1595 Clarified and simplified the usage of TARGET_OS_* macros. Added SD_MAC, SD_UIKIT, SD_IOS, SD_TV, SD_WATCH. The biggest issue here was TARGET_OS_MAC was 1 for all platforms and we couldn't rely on it.
  • Replaces #1398 Allow to customise cache and image downloader instances used with SDWebImageManager - added a new initializer (initWithCache:downloader:) 9112170
  • UIImage responds to sd_imageData and sd_imageDataAsFormat: via the MultiFormat category. Those methods transform a UIImage to the NSData representation 82d1f2e
  • Created SDWebImageDownloaderOperationInterface to describe the behavior of a downloader operation. Any custom operation must conform to this protocol df3b6a5
  • Refactored all the duplicate code from our WebCache categories into a UIView WebCache category. All the other categories will make calls to this one. Customization of setting the image is done via the setImageBlock and the operationKey e1840c3
  • Due to the change above, the activity indicator can now be added to UIButton, MKAnnotationView, UIImageView
  • Animated WebP support #1438
  • The shared objects (not really singletons) should allow subclassing, therefore the return type of the shared resource method should be instancetype and not a fixed type - c57cf7e
  • Allow to specify NSURLSessionConfiguration for SDWebImageDownloader #1654
  • Add url as param to progress block SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock - #984


  • Fix multiple requests for same image and then canceling one #883 + 8a78586
  • Fixed #1444 and the master build thanks to @kenmaz
  • Fixed an issue with the SDWebImageDownloaderOperation : cancelInternal was not called because of the old mechanism rellying on the thread property - probably because that thread did not have a runloop. Removed that and now cancelInternal is called as expected f4bdae6
  • Replaced #781 on replacing dispatch_sync with dispatch_async for the main queue 062e50a f7e8246 c77adf4 fdb8b2c 265ace4 0c47bc3. Check for main queue instead of main thread.
  • Fixed #1619 iOS 10 crash (setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil) - #1676 7940577
  • Fixed #1326 #1424 (Carthage bitcode issue) - #1593
  • Fixed #1639 via #1657 (Add support for downloading images behind redirect)
  • Replaced #1537 via 9cd6779 - fixed a potential retain cycle
  • Updated dispatch_main_async_safe macro in order to avoid redefinition when included as Pod
  • Fixed #1089 by updating the docs on the calling queue for the progressBlock (background queue)
  • Fixed a compilation issue on FLAnimatedImageView+WebCache - #1687