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File metadata and controls

162 lines (122 loc) · 5.03 KB

Data Model

Our primary data model is based on a tree structure with BuildingSnapshot instances as nodes of the tree and the tip of the tree referenced by a CanonicalBuilding.

Take the following example: a user has loaded a CSV file containing information about one building and created the first BuildingSnapshot (BS0). At this point in time, BS0 is linked to the first CanonicalBuilding (CB0), and CB0 is also linked to BS0.

BS0 <-- CB0
BS0 --> CB0

These relations are represented in the database as foreign keys from the BuildingSnapshot table to the CanonicalBuilding table, and from the CanonicalBuilding table to the BuildingSnapshot table.

The tree structure comes to fruition when a building, BS0 in our case, is matched with a new building, say BS1, enters the system and is auto-matched.

Here BS1 entered the system and was matched with BS0. When a match occurs, a new BuildingSnapshot is created, BS2, with the fields from the primary BuildingSnapshot, BS0, and the secondary BuildingSnapshot, BS1, merged together. If both the primary and secondary BuildingSnapshot have data for a given field, the primary's fields are preferred and merged into the child, B3.

All BuildingSnapshot instances point to a CanonicalBuilding.

BS0  BS1
  \ /
  BS2 <-- CB0

BS0 --> CB0
BS1 --> CB0
BS2 --> CB0

parents and children

BuildingSnapshots also have linkage to other BuildingSnapshots in order to keep track of their parents and children. This is represented in the database as a many-to-many relation from BuildingSnapshot to BuildingSnapshot. In our case here, BS0 and BS1 would both have children BS2, and BS2 would have parents BS0 and BS1.


throughout most of the application, the search_buildings endpoint is used to search or list active building. This is to say, buildings that are pointed to by an active CanonicalBuilding. The search_building_snapshots endpoint allows the search of buildings regardless of whether the BuildingSnapshot is pointed to by an active CanonicalBuilding or not and this search is needed during the mapping preview and matching sections of the application.

For illustration purposes let's suppose BS2 and a new building BS3 match to form a child BS4.

parent child

And the corresponding tree would look like:

BS0  BS1
  \ /
  BS2  BS3
    \  /
     BS4 <-- CB0

BS0 --> CB0
BS1 --> CB0
BS2 --> CB0
BS3 --> CB0
BS4 --> CB0


During the auto-matching process, if a raw BuildingSnapshot matches an existing BuildingSnapshot instance, then it will point to the existing BuildingSnapshot instance's CanonicalBuilding. In the case where there is no existing BuildingSnapshot to match, a new CanonicalBuilding will be created, as happened to B0 and C0 above.

field BS0 BS1 BS2 (child)
id1 11 11 11
id2 12 12
id3 14 14
id4 13 14 13

manual-matching vs auto-matching

Since BuildingSnapshots can be manually matched, there is the possibility for two BuildingSnapshots each with an active CanonicalBuilding to match and the system has to choose to move only one CanonicalBuilding to the tip of the tree for the primary BuildingSnapshot and deactivate the secondary BuildingSnapshot's CanonicalBuilding.

Take for example:

BS0  BS1
  \ /
  BS2  BS3
    \  /
     BS4 <-- CB0 (active: True)         BS5 <-- CB1 (active: True)

If a user decides to manually match BS4 and BS5, the system will take the primary BuildingSnapshot's CanonicalBuilding and have it point to their child and deactivate CB1. The deactivation is handled by setting a field on the CanonicalBuilding instance, active, from True to False.

Here is what the tree would look like after the manual match of BS4 and BS5:

BS0  BS1
  \ /
  BS2  BS3
    \  /
     BS4  BS5 <-- CB1 (active: False)
       \  /
        BS6 <-- CB0 (active: True)

Even though BS5 is pointed to by a CanonicalBuilding, CB1, BS5 will not be returned by the normal search_buildings endpoint because the CanonicalBuilding pointing to it has its field active set to False.


anytime a match is unmatched the system will create a new CanonicalBuilding or set an existing CanonicalBuilding's active field to True for any leaf BuildingSnapshot trees.