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File metadata and controls

45 lines (32 loc) · 1.72 KB


This document describes the set of calls that occur from the web client or API down to the back-end for the process of mapping.

An overview of the process is:

  1. Import - A file is uploaded and saved in the database
  2. Mapping - Mapping occurs on that file
  3. Matching / Merging
  4. Pairing


From the web UI, the import process invokes seed.views.main.save_raw_data to save the data. When the data is done uploading, we need to know whether it is a Portfolio Manager file, so we can add metadata to the record in the database. The end of the upload happens in seed.data_importer.views.DataImportBackend.upload_complete or seed.data_importer.views.handle_s3_upload_complete, depending on whether it is using a local file system or Amazon S3-based backend. At this point, the request object has additional attributes for Portfolio Manager files. These are saved in the model seed.data_importer.models.ImportFile.


After the data is saved, the UI invokes DataFileViewSet.mapping_suggestions to get the columns to display on the mapping screen. This loads back the model that was mentioned above as an ImportFile instance, and then the from_portfolio_manager property can be used to choose the branch of the code:

If it is a Portfolio Manager file the seed.common.mapper.get_pm_mapping method provides a high-level interface to the Portfolio Manager mapping (see comments in the containing file,, and the result is used to populate the return value for this method, which goes back to the UI to display the mapping screen.

Otherwise the code does some auto-magical logic to try and infer the "correct" mapping.



