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Project 4 Guidelines

For your fourth project you are given the freedom of choice! Your goal is to develop an application in your languages of choice that demonstrates substantial effort towards an end goal.

There are multiple broad end goals for this project, and you need to pick a minimum of one or more goals from the following list:

Things you can do in P4:

  • Develop a MERN stack application to solidify knowledge of technologies we used in class.
  • Create a highly polished product that can anchor your portfolio, illustrate your skills, and show substantial work in an area of interest.
  • Create an application in a new language that you wish to learn (Python, Ruby, etc)
  • Develop an ambitious MVP that will serve as the basis for a larger project post-cohort.
  • Try out a new technology you've been interested in using, but that we haven't used in class. Highly encouraged!

You have the opportunity to work solo, or in groups of your choosing, with a max size of four.

πŸ™Œ This is an exciting opportunity to use your newly developed skills as a software engineer and code to learn. πŸ™Œ

What does a passing P4 look like?

  • A substantial MVP that can be presented to the class and built upon in the future.
  • Consistent work (git commits everyday) on the project and a thoughtful implementation of the technologies you have choosen.
  • A project that will make your portfolio shine. ✨

What does a non-passing P4 look like?

  • If you do not build anything substantial.
  • If you do not put in meaningful work/git commits all project days. (including over the weekend during project week)

Ideas for Technologies to Use:

This is a non-exhaustive list and is based on previous student's P4s

  • Vue.js (frontend framework).
  • GraphQL (frontend querying language. Would recommend using with Hasura so that you don't have to take on Apollo and Prisma breaking change errors).
  • Unity (a game development platform in C#)
  • Integrating a Stripe frontend and backup to build a test level functional ecommmerce site
  • D3.js (a data visualization javascript library)
  • React-Bootstrap-Table or another React Table Library to create dynamic tables based on a database you create and seed
  • CSS Frameworks such as Bootstrap, Material-UI
  • The Typescript programming language
  • Test-Driven Development with Jest or another testing framework
  • Web sockets with
  • Machine Learning with Tensorflow
  • Creating map based interfaces with mapbox
  • Web scraping, such as with beautiful soup in python
  • Using Django to make a full stack crud app in python
  • Using Flask as a back end server instead of Express
  • Sass or css superset language
  • React Native for React on mobile devices (Warning - extremely involved)

Wednesday Night Deliverable

Spend the evening, solo or with your team, researching and exploring technologies that interest you while brainstorming for your P4.

Come up with three project ideas and answer the following questions about each of them:

  1. How do you plan on learning/implementing this new technology?
  2. What is your goal with this project?
  3. Who is the user for your app?
  4. Any potential roadblocks you think you might run into?

What you need to turn in

Include your three project ideas along with answers to the above questions for each project idea in a file in this repo and submit a pull request. If you are planning to work in a team, include the members of your team as well. Turn this deliverable in to the google classroom as well.

How to spend your time tonight

It's totally okay if you have one main project idea that you are most excited about and two 'back up' ideas to fall back on.

Take some time this evening to explore the tech you are interested in.

  • Implement a hello world app with your new tech! 🌎
  • Start tinkering! πŸ› 
  • Have some fun! 🎊

Thursday Night Deliverable

For tonight's deliverable you need to decide on at least one tech that you will implement for your P4 and create some wireframes and user stories for the app you would like to implement.

What you need to turn in

Wireframes and user stories for your P4 in this repo and included in a pull request. Turn this deliverable in to the google classroom as well.

How to spend your time tonight

  • Continue exploring and researching for your project
  • Write some user stories for features that you would like to implement on your P4
  • Generate simple wireframes based on your user stories
  • Start thinking more about implementation details as you continue to research and develop your app idea


P4 intro and Wednesday and Thursday Deliverables






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