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3ETool contains some useful tools developed by the SERG research group of the University of Florence for performing exergo-economic and exergo environmental analysis. The user manual can be downloaded here. Moreover, some youtube tutorials have been uploaded in order to help the user in compiling the excel file.

1 - Calculation process 🤔⚙

The beta version can be downloaded using PIP:

pip install 3ETool

Once the installation has been completed the user can import the tool, and paste to a desired location the user manual, the components documentation or the default excel file, as in the matlab version of the app.

import EEETools


Finally, once the Excel file has been compiled, the calculation can be initialized trough this command:

import EEETools


calculation options and user defined excel path can be passed to the function as well (default values are true); in case user does not pass the path, the app will automatically open a filedialog window so that it can be selected manually

import EEETools

    calculate_on_pf_diagram = True, 
    loss_cost_is_zero = True, 
    valve_is_dissipative = True, 
    condenser_is_dissipative = True


2 - Debugging tools 👨‍💻🔍

Excel file can be debugged using some specific tools that can be launched using the following command (please select the Excel file that you want to debug on program request):

import EEETools

Another possible way of debugging the code is to ask the program to export the debug information on the Excel file:

import EEETools

Finally, topology can be displayed using:

import EEETools

3 - Sankey Diagrams 📈📊

Sankey diagram can be plotted using the following command:

import EEETools

  • generate_on_pf_diagram can be omitted and is True by default:

    • if False the connections are defined according to the physical topology of the plant
    • if True the connections are based on the product-fuel definition
  • display_costs can be omitted and is False by default:

    • if False the thickness of the connection in the sankey diagram is proportional to the exergy flux between the components (in kW)

    • if True the thickness of the connection in the sankey diagram is proportional to the economic (or environmental) flux between the components (in €/s or in Pts/s). In addition, for each connection, the color intensity is proportional to the relative cost of the stream (in €/kJ or in Pts/kJ)

4 - Code Structure 📁

The application code is divided into 3 main folders:

MainModules directory contains Base modules such as Block, Connection, ArrayHandler and Drawer Classes.
Block Sublcasses contains a Block subclass for each component type (e.g. expander, compressor etc.)
Tools contains different APIs needed for the program to run (e.g. the cost correlation handler, the EES code generator, and the importer and exporter for both Excel and xml files)

5 - Important Information ⚠

-------------------------- !!! THIS IS A BETA VERSION !!! --------------------------

please report any bug or problems in the installation to
for further information visit:

-------------------------------- !!! HOW TO CITE !!! --------------------------------

The following reference can be used to cite the tool in publications:

Fiaschi, D., Manfrida, G., Ungar, P., Talluri, L. 

Development of an exergo-economic and exergo-environmental tool for power plant assessment: 
evaluation of a geothermal case study.