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callaghanc edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 11 revisions

Add-On Services

Rails Autoscale

We're using the Rails Autoscale add-on with the Test (Free) plan, which does not have a monthly fee and does not have a limit on how many dynos can be added in upscaling. This plan is no longer offered, but since we signed up when it was available we have been grandfathered in. Since we have this add-on, we have set our base level of dynos on the production app to two web and one worker, and we let the add-on scale the number of dynos up and down in response to request queue times. Dynos added by Rails Autoscale cost the same as dynos manually added to the app.

  • Logging
  • Caching
  • Etc

Pipeline setup

  • Corresponds to Salesforce environments
  • Review app functionality with github PRs

Scheduled jobs