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A plugin that adds physics features to the Diorama library. The plugin uses the rapier.js library.


For file structure, check out one of the examples.

To enable physics use the setupPhysics() function in the setup. Then to update physics use updatePhysics() in the draw function.

Rigid bodies:

    fixedBox(pos, scale, rotation)

    pos: {x, y, z}
    scale: {width, height, depth}
    rotation: {x, y, z}

Returns a fixed box, that cannot be moved, but has collision with other objects, gravity won't affect it

    dynamicBox(pos, scale, rotation, mass)

    pos: {x, y, z}
    scale: {width, height, depth}
    rotation: {x, y, z}
    mass: int

Returns a dynamic box, that can be moved and has collision with other objects

    kinematicBox(pos, scale, rotation)

    pos: {x, y, z}
    scale: {width, height, depth}
    rotation: {x, y, z}

Returns a kinematic box, that can be moved, but has collision with other objects, gravity won't affect it

    dynamicSphere(pos, radius, rotation, mass)

    pos: {x, y, z}
    radius: int
    rotation: {x, y, z}
    mass: int

Returns a dynamic sphere, that can be moved and has collision with other objects

    fixedCylinder(pos, radius, height, rotation)

    pos: {x, y, z}
    radius: int
    height: int
    rotation: {x, y, z}

Returns a fixed cylinder, that cannot be moved, but has collision with other objects, gravity won't affect it

Keep in mind that you can still use the normal box and sphere functions, though physics won't affect them.


    boxCollider(pos, scale, rotation, visible)

    pos: {x, y, z}
    scale: {width, height, depth}
    rotation: {x, y, z}
    visible: bool

Returns a box collider, that records collisions with other objects, but won't act as an obstacle; gravity won't affect it. If visible is set to true, a box will be shown at its position, but won't count as obstacle.

Collision dectection:

Collision detection is divided into 3 steps:

Step 1:

    addToCollisionCheck(obj1, obj2)

    obj1: rigidbody
    obj2: collider

The obj2 must be a collider, else it won't work. This makes the two bodies able to detect each other when in collision.

Step 2:


This must be used in the draw function, since it checks whether objects are colliding.

Step 3:

    Contact(obj1, obj2)

    obj1: rigidbody
    obj2: collider

The obj1 and obj2 are the same used in addToCollisionCheck. The function returns true when those two objects collide.


    Impulse(obj, vec)

    obj: rigidbody
    vec: {x, y, z}

Applies an impulse to the object provided.


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