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  1. About the Project:

The Introduction to Computer Programming project is designed to evaluate your understanding and practical application of fundamental programming concepts using Python. This assessment encompasses various topics, including data types, indexing, slicing, operators, in-built functions, statements, conditionals, loops, object-oriented programming, and exception handling. In addition, you will showcase your ability to create custom functions and tackle advanced looping concepts.

  1. Skills Required:

To successfully complete this project assessment, you should possess the following skills and knowledge:

Proficiency in Python programming language Understanding of data types, indexing, and slicing in Python Familiarity with operators, in-built functions, and methods Ability to work with statements, indentation, and conditionals Competence in implementing loops and iterations, including conditional and infinite looping Mastery of creating and utilizing custom functions in Python Knowledge of advanced looping concepts Understanding of object-oriented programming (OOPs) principles in Python Ability to handle exceptions in your code

CodeStorm Challenge: Solving and Explaining Complex Coding Problems Problem Statement:

The CodeStorm Challenge is an intense coding competition designed to test participants' programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication prowess. In this challenge, participants will be required to solve a total of 30 intricate coding questions that cover a wide range of algorithms, data structures, and programming paradigms. Additionally, participants are tasked with creating an explanatory video that delves into the solutions of any five chosen questions.

The challenge aims to evaluate participants on their coding efficiency, algorithmic thinking, and presentation skills. Participants will need to not only implement correct and optimized solutions to the coding problems but also effectively communicate their thought processes and strategies in the form of a video presentation.

Key Objectives:

Coding Proficiency: Participants must demonstrate their ability to write clean, efficient, and bug-free code to solve complex programming challenges within a time-constrained environment.

Problem Solving: The challenge will encompass a variety of problem domains, including dynamic programming, graph algorithms, string manipulation, and more. Participants should showcase their prowess in breaking down problems, designing algorithms, and translating solutions into code.

Communication Skills: In addition to coding skills, participants need to exhibit strong communication skills by creating a comprehensive video explaining the thought process, approach, and solution to five selected problems. Clarity, conciseness, and coherence in the video are essential.

Time Management: Participants will need to efficiently manage their time throughout the challenge, allocating sufficient time to solve each question and ensuring they have ample time to create high-quality explanatory videos.

Adaptability: As the challenge encompasses a diverse set of coding problems, participants must be adaptable in applying different algorithms and techniques to solve problems that may vary in difficulty and complexity.

Your project assessment will be evaluated based on the following rubrics:

a. Coding Assessment:

Correctness of the code solution Efficient use of coding constructs Clear and well-structured code organization