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Jet Fighter (Team Daemon Demons)


Name Student ID XP Core Value
Dylan Nguyen 012615954 Respect
Puneet Tokhi 010904400 Communication
Sandesh Gupta 015649036 Courage
Shradha Yewale 014725503 Feedback


Jet fighter is a local multiplayer interactive Jet fighting game which takes us back to the 90s. Two players on the same keyboard control their own Jet and try to shoot bullets at the other jet. One person controls and maneuvers the Jet using the W, A, S, D keys while the other person uses the Arrow keys. Player 1 shoots the bullet using the W key while Player 2 shoots the bullet using the Up arrow key. The player who hits the maximum number of bullets within the specified time wins the game. The game is developed using Java and Greenfoot from scratch.

Instructions to run the project


Gameplay Screenshots

Title Screen


Instructions Screen


Menu Screen


User Input


Gameplay Screen

GamePlay1 GamePlay1 GamePlay2 GamePlay1

Game Tied


Winner Screen


Key Features

  • Player controlled Jets that turn and shoot
  • A score and timer system that determines the winner of the game
  • Game settings that allows players to change the speed of the bullets and jets

Task Sheet & Burndown

Task Sheet

Burndown chart finishes task before final date as the final week devoted to preparing for project submission and demo.

Project task board


Design Patterns


Strategy pattern is implemented in order to handle different control schemes in the same class. In this case, an IMovementStrategy is made that handles moving, turning, and shooting. One strategy is for controllling with the arrow keys while the other is to use the WASD keys to control the jet. The Jet class has methods that define each strategy and picks the correct one depending ont he instantiation. The strategy is then called in the act method to respond to the corresponding button presses.


Command Pattern is used to add action listener to any button that is present in the game. In our project, the MenuOption class implements the IMenuInvoker interface so that when the invoke() method is called, the MenuOption performs some action added in the command that is attached to the button. In this case, we are creating buttons from the Buttons class which adds an inline receiver to IMenuCommand and attaches the command to the created button. There are two hash maps used in the Buttons class, one is for the menu option commands, and the other is for menu option images.


Observer pattern

Observer pattern is a design pattern in which a subject notifies an object automatically of any state change usually by calling their methods. Observer Pattern is used to update and display the players score. Here IDetectSubject is a subject interface with notifyObservers() and Jet class(acts as subject) implements it. The Jet1 and Jet2 class extends the Jet class to implement the notifyObservers(). When the hit is detected, that is when Jet1 hit by Bullet2, jet 2 score is updated and when Jet2 hit by Bullet1, jet 1 score is updated.

IUpdateScoreObserver acts as an object interface. Score (acts as object) which implements updateScore() to update the score when there is a detect hit(state change) in Jet1 and Jet2. JetOneScore will update the Jet1 score when Jet2 hits by Bullet1 and JetTwoScore will update the Jet2 score when Jet1 hits by Bullet2.


  • Decorator pattern is used to display the timer on the game screen.
  • Timer class implements the logic to run timer that updates the time every second.
  • TimerDecorator defines the structure for decorators and implements Actor class. It has default method act() for displaying the time.
  • TimerDisplayDecorator implements the functionality that converts the time in MM:ss format. It also formats the timer text fonts and color for display.
  • TimerBlinkDecorator implements the functionality that blinks the timer text as the game nears completion. The time at which the timer starts blinking can be configured in GameConfig class.

Architecture Diagram

Deployment Diagram

Deployment Diagram

Class Diagram

Class Diagram


Screen Wireframe
Post Game


Name Design Pattern
Dylan Nguyen Strategy
Puneet Tokhi Command
Sandesh Gupta Decorator
Shradha Yewale Observer, Singleton

Dylan Nguyen


  • Worked primarily on the Jet and the Bullet components. This involved movement, shooting, and overall behavior such as bullet fire rate and range.
  • Made the Jet class available to alteration for different settings
  • Made subclasses Jet1, Jet2, Bullet1, and Bullet2 to make hit detection and score updates easier.
  • Used Strategy Pattern with IMovementStrategy to make the different control schemes of arrow keys and WASD.
  • Made Demo video

Puneet Tokhi


  • Worked on implementing the Title, Menu, Instructions, Settings and GameSettings screen
  • Implemented the Explosion, Logo and Instructions class and added code to animate the game background to provide a dynamic background effect
  • Used the Command Pattern to implement the Menu and Settings screen. Created Buttons and MenuCommand class and required invoker and receiver interfaces to implement the Command Pattern. All buttons used in the game are in Buttons class and the command pattern is used to assign functionality to buttons and labels.
  • Added game assets including the title screen, background music, explosion sound, bullet sounds and the menu navigation sounds and also designed the game's logo
  • Created the Player class to get the Player's information from the user when the game is started
  • Added the Jet and Bullet speed configurations in the settings screen, fixed score display bug, and updated the WinnerBanner class to enhance user experience
  • Worked on the project documentation and class diagrams and added code for the game's Title screen
  • Helped the team with the user story video ideas and assisted in editing and creating the video montage

Sandesh Gupta


  • Worked on creating Assets, Timer, Settings and Post-game screen.
  • Assets
    • Create Jet and Bullet asset.
    • Integrated the assets with gameplay.
  • Timer
    • Implemented the timer logic
    • Display timer in game
    • Timer blink when game is about to end
    • Implemented Timer using Decorator design pattern
  • Settings
    • Add functionality for increment and decrement of speed in Settings screen
    • Reflect speed changes in gameplay
    • Vaidation of speeds: Min, max and Jet speed < Bullet speed
  • Post-game screen
    • Designed and implemented the post-game screen with the game results.
  • Documentation
    • Architecture diagram
    • Class diagram
    • UI wireframes
    • User strory video

Shradha Yewale


  • I primarily worked on the Score feature for Jet1 and Jet2.
  • Used an Observer Pattern to implement the score feature.
  • Implemented major functionalities such as Detect Hit, Update Score, Display Score and Reset Score in score feature.
  • Detect Hit : Detect the hit for Jet1 with Bullet2 and Jet2 with Bullet1 to notify about the hit to update score.
  • Update Score : Once the hit is detected updated the score in JetOneScore and JetTwoScore
  • Display Score : JetOneScoreDisplay and JetTwoScoreDisplay to display the score. worked on display score design and layout on screen.
  • Reset Score : Whenever the game is finished and a new game is started the score is resetted to 0.
  • Implemented Singleton design pattern for JetOneScore, JetTwoScore, JetOneScoreDisplay and JetTwoScoreDisplay.
  • Actively participated in discussions right from game selection, tasks identification, feature distributions, patterns to implemented, scrum meeting and implemented feedback core value.
  • Worked on project documentation of the project. Draw the class diagram for the observer design pattern. Also made a deployment diagram for the project.
  • Contributed in making the user video for Jet fighter, .


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  • Java 100.0%