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Compute the cross-power spectral density of two complex functions.


call SHCrossPowerSpectrumDensityC (cilm1, cilm2, lmax, cspectrum, exitstatus)


cilm1 : input, complex(dp), dimension (2, lmaxin1+1, lmaxin1+1) : The complex spherical harmonics of the first complex function.

cilm2 : input, complex(dp), dimension (2, lmaxin2+1, lmaxin2+1) : The complex spherical harmonics of the first complex function.

lmax : input, integer : The maximum spherical harmonic degree of the cross power spectral density. This must be less than or equal to the minimum of lmaxin1 and lmaxin2.

cspectrum : output, complex(dp), dimension (lmax+1) : The cross-power spectral density of the two complex functions.

exitstatus : output, optional, integer : If present, instead of executing a STOP when an error is encountered, the variable exitstatus will be returned describing the error. 0 = No errors; 1 = Improper dimensions of input array; 2 = Improper bounds for input variable; 3 = Error allocating memory; 4 = File IO error.


SHCrossPowerSpectrumDensityC will calculate the cross-power spectral density of two complex functions expressed in complex 4-pi normalized spherical harmonics. For a given spherical harmonic degree l, this is calculated as:

cspectrum(l) = Sum_{i=1}^2 Sum_{m=0}^l cilm1(i, l+1, m+1) * conjg[cilm2(i, l+1, m+1)] / (2l + 1).

See also

shpowerlc, shpowerdensitylc, shcrosspowerlc, shcrosspowerdensitylc, shpowerspectrumc, shpowerspectrumdensityc, shcrosspowerspectrumc