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Welcome to the jura_crdppf project

jura_crdppf is a container web application for pyramid_oereb, configured and customized to be run in Canton Jura's environment. See the project Wiki for more information.


Repértoire privé


Répertoire instance principale

cd /var/www/vhosts/sitj/private
git clone

cd jura_crdppf

Build and serve

cp sample.env .env

Then edit the .env file. It will be automatically used by docker-compose.

This file is not commited. Be sure you have one well configured.

Or copy env_xxx.env to .env

This is the file .env with user's parameters

Then run:

make serve

Automatic Build and serve

La commande ./refresh permet de faire un build automatiquement.

Elle va effectuer les commande suivantes:

  • docker-compose down
  • make serve
  • Suppression de pdf provisoire dans /var/sig/sitj/_crdppf_pdf_prov/

Make it accessible

Set a proxy in /var/www/vhosts/sitj/conf/proxies.conf using a ProxyPass like that: ProxyPass "ProxyPass <route_prefix>" "http://localhost:<external_port>/<route_prefix>".

Where route_prefix and the external_port are the ones defined in your .env file.

# pyramid_oereb
ProxyPass "/crdppf_server" "http://localhost:9000/crdppf_server"
ProxyPassReverse "/crdppf_server" "http://localhost:9000/crdppf_server"
ProxyPreserveHost Off
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"
ProxyRequests Off

# oereb_client
ProxyPass "/crdppf" "http://localhost:9001/crdppf"
ProxyPassReverse "/crdppf" "http://localhost:9001/crdppf"
#ProxyPreserveHost Off
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"
ProxyRequests On

Adapt crdppf_server, crdppf, 9000 and 9001 with your parmeter

Then run:

sudo apachectl graceful

You can test your installation at ``<route_prefix>/versions/json`.

Debug mode

.venv/bin/docker-compose logs -f