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Welcome to My Entry Level Project Collection Repository

This Repository contains my latest Projects on Artificial Intelligence. Click on the link to view the source codes. I welcome people to colloborate with me to develop the projects.

Project - Intel Edge AI People Counting Application Along with Inference Time

Click here to see the Source Files Repository.

Project - Real Time Multi Object Detection using YoloV4

Click here to see the Source code.

Project - Advanced Multi Object recognition & Counting Application

Click here to see Source Files.

Project - Face Mask Detector

Click here to see the Source Code.

Project - Ecommerce site Application Development Prediction Analysis using Linear Regression Algorithm

  Gaol : Do you think the company should focus more on their mobile app or on their website ?
  In this project , I used Linear Regression algorithm to predict whether to focus more on Mobile/web development.

Click here to see the Source Files Repository

Project - Breast Cancer Prediction - Support Vector Machine

  Goal : Project Task

        In this study, my task is to classify tumors into malignant (cancer) or benign using features obtained from several cell images.
        Features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. 
        In this Project I used Support Vector Machine Learning Algorithm to predict it.

Click here to see Source Files.

Project Titanic Survival Prediction using Logistic Regression , Random Forest , Decision Tree , XGBoost .

    Goal : Goal is to predict correctly survivors in Titanic Disaster
    In this Project , I used Logistic regression , decision Tree , Random Forest & xgboost Machine learning Algorithms to predict and had a comparitive Accuracy values.\

Click here to see the Source Code

Project - Cars Recognition and total Counting Application

Click here to see the Source Project.

Project - Object Detection

Click here to see the Source Project Files.

Project - Social Distance Monitoring AI Application

Click here to see the Source Project Files.

Project - Real Time Face Recogniton & Registration for Attendance Purpose

Click here to see the Source Project Files.

Project - Smart Queueing System - AI Application using Intel OpenVino Toolkit

Click here to see the Source Project Files.

Project - Liscence Plate Detection

Project - Object Tracking Apllication

Project - Face Recognition Using OpenCv & Python

Click here to see the Source Project Files


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
