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tools to analysis the performance when accessing NVM with RDMA

LibRDPMA provides a set of tools to analyze the behavior when accessing NVM (i.e., Intel Optane DC persistent memory) with RDMA. These including benchmarks for one-sided RDMA and two-sided RDMA and tools to analyze NVM behavior.

This version is forked from SJTU-IPADS/librdpma, and amended by SJTU-DDST.

Getting Started

Clone and Build

Building the tools of librdpma is straightforward since it will automatically install dependencies. Specifically, using the following steps:

  1. clone the project
    • use git clone --recursive to clone submodules,
    • or clone normally, and then use git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j
    • compile_commands.json will generate in build/
  3. cd .. to go back

It is worth mentioning that each machine (e.g., host, dpu, etc.) you want to test is required to build this.

Run Benchmark Auto-Scripts

Install requirements and run.

python3 -m pip install numpy matplotlib paramiko

2 new configuration files will be generated when you run this script for the first time. You can modify them in ./configs/*.yaml.

Within them, machines.yaml contains the configures of several machines, while connections.yaml contains several testcases of server (single) and clients (multiple) pair; only <server, clients> pairs that are enabled would be test in the script. Note that names of machines/servers/clients must correspond to each other in machines.yaml and connections.yaml.

Modify them and run again.

vim ./configs/machines.yaml
vim ./configs/connections.yaml

Results will output to ./benchres-wait/<clients>_<server>_<time>.json, such as

{"throughput": 1053194.6666666667, "latency": 1.9032220000000002, "server": "localhost", "clients": ["localhost"], "thread": 2, "corotine": 1, "payload": 16},
{"throughput": 994628.0666666667, "latency": 2.013740666666667, "server": "localhost", "clients": ["localhost"], "thread": 2, "corotine": 1, "payload": 256},
{"throughput": 3348694.6666666665, "latency": 2.3953606666666665, "server": "localhost", "clients": ["localhost"], "thread": 8, "corotine": 1, "payload": 1024},
{"throughput": 2268334.6666666665, "latency": 3.5285299999999995, "server": "localhost", "clients": ["localhost"], "thread": 8, "corotine": 1, "payload": 4096}

Run Figure Auto-Scripts

Copy the json files generated that you would like to draw figures from ./benchres-wait into ./benchres. Since experiment info is not adequate in json file itself, please also make sure you have the corresponding info in connections.yaml.


Figures img/*_<time>.png and img_compare/*_<time>.png will be generated. (if use >=2 testcases)



Run Benchmark Mannually


服务器无法开启:需要打开 hugepage

sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=16384


因为现在主要只需要单边,因此只考虑 nvm_server 和 nvm_client 两个文件即可,server的参数和代码基本上不需要动,client的代码对应 nvm/benchs/one_sided/, numa的绑定也写死在这个文件里了

sudo ./scripts/nvm_server --host= --port=8964 -use_nvm=false -touch_mem=true --nvm_sz=8 --nvm_file=/dev/dax12.0

client 的一个示例参数:

./scripts/nvm_client -addr="" --force_use_numa_node=false --use_numa_node=0 --threads=36 --coros=1 --id=0 --use_nic_idx=0 --use_read=true --payload=256 --add_sync=false --address_space=8 --random=true -read_write=true -two_qp=false


  • force_use_numa_node 和 use_numa_node: 当前者为true时,仅使用编号为后者的numa node,如果core不够,则exit(1)

  • threads, coros: 线程数和协程数

  • id: 编号,设为0即可

  • use_nix_idx: 使用的RDMA 网卡编号

  • use_true: true:测RDMA read, false: 测 RDMA write

  • payload: READ read/write payload的大小

  • add_sync: 是否doorbell batching

  • address_space: 必须 <= server端的nvm_sz, 单位是GB。

  • random: 读/写的远端地址是固定的,还是随机一个地址

  • 两个后续加的特殊的参数,二者都有些词不达意,所以重点解释下:

    • 默认client的行为:根据use_read的真假不断执行payload 大小的 RDMA read/write, 其中每个coro一个QP
    • two_qp: 为true时,每个coro开两个QP,根据 use_read的真假不断执行两个QP并发执行payload大小的RDMA read/write。此选项为true时,要求 read_write=false
    • read_write: 为true时,每个coro开两个QP。每次操作为:先根据 use_read的真假不断执行两个QP并发执行payload大小的RDMA read/write,然后再用其中一个QP做一个8bytes的write,此选项为true时,要求 two_qp=false
    • doorbell: 为true时,使用doorbell batching来增加并行性。要求two_qp和read_write为false。且设置batch参数,指定doorbell batching的数量。
    • search/update: 为true时,模拟learned index的search和update行为
    • CAS:为true时,测试CAS的性能
    • To do:建议用bench=1,2,3,4,...来替代上面的选项
  • 运行脚本在./scripts/


For the built binaries, ./nvm_rrtserver and ``./nvm_rrtclientare used for evaluating two-sided performance, while./nvm_server` and `./nvm_client` are used for evaluating one-sided performance. We provide scripts to run experiments. For how to configure these binaries, please use `binary --help` to check.

We've also provide scripts to run experiments. For example, to run one-sided evaluations, use the following:

  • cd scripts; ./ -f run_one.toml; Note that run_one.toml should be configured according to your hardawre setting. It is straightforward to configure it based on its content.

Other tools

We provide some tools for make system configurations or monitor NVM statistics.

  • To tune DDIO setups, use cd ddio_tools; cmake; make; and then use setup_dca.
  • To monitor NVM read/write amplications, use cd nvm; python Note that ipmctl should be installed.

Check our results

To check the results of these benchmarks, please refer to our paper:

[ATC] Characterizing and Optimizing Remote Persistent Memory with RDMA and NVM. Xingda Wei and Xiating Xie and Rong Chen and Haibo Chen and Binyu Zang. 2021 USENIX Annual Technical Conference.