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Saifeddine ALOUI edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 5 revisions

Arduino RTTTL Parser


RTTTL (Ring Tone Text Transfert Language) is a language intended to save monophonic music data. It was developen by Nokia to transfert ringtones to mobile phones.

The following library is intended to help parsing and playing a RTTTL script using an arduino device. The library is intended to be used as background playing tool in order to integrate it with other application tasks using protothreading

RTTTL description

The RTTTL format is a string divided into three sections: name, default value, and data.

The name section consists of a string describing the name of the ringtone. It can be no longer than 10 characters, and cannot contain a colon ":" character. (However, since the Smart Messaging specification allows names up to 15 characters in length, some applications processing RTTTL also do so.)

The default value section is a set of values separated by commas, where each value contains a key and a value separated by an = character, which describes certain defaults which should be adhered to during the execution of the ringtone. Possible names are:

  • d - duration
  • o - octave
  • b - beat, tempo
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