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Basic implementation

Felix edited this page Mar 22, 2017 · 1 revision


Right after launching your bot, you should initialize PingService. This should happen before your bot fetches anything from the Stack Exchange API.

PingService redunda = new PingService("your api-key", "bot version");

You can get your API-key in the instances overview of your bot.

Check the standby status

Before your scheduled executors fetch anything from the Stack Exchange API or respond to commands, you should check if the instance is on standby:

boolean standbyMode = PingService.standby.get();

If standbyMode is true, DON'T execute the code!

Debug mode

If you don't want to use the standby mode while debugging, you can set this with the following line:


This will prevent PingService.standby from becoming true and stops pinging the server.

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