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Getting started with pyRedunda

Fortunate-MAN edited this page Aug 26, 2017 · 2 revisions

Once one has pyRedunda installed in their computer, one can import it using

import pyRedunda

To start using pyRedunda, one needs to create a Redunda object first.

redunda = pyRedunda.Redunda("<insert instance key here>", [{<insert file sync dictionary here>}], "<insert the version of your bot here>")

The first argument to the constructor is one's instance key; one can get a key for their bot from Redunda. This instance key can only be accessed by owners and collaborators of the bot; make sure you give the instance key for your instance!

The third argument is the version of one's bot. This is usually the commit hash of the git repo, or the version (like 0.1.3) of one's bot. This should be of type str.

The second argument is a list of files one wants to sync. This should be an empty list ([]) if one does not want to sync files with Redunda (Note, one can still upload and download files without specifying the files over here; but, specifying the files over here will make uploading and downloading easier).

Every file should be specified in a dictionary in the following format:

{"name": "<filename>", "ispickle": <Whether the file is a pickle>, "at_home": <Should be True if the file is at the home directory>}

The name specifies the name of the file; this can also be a path to a file. The name is supposed to be of type str.

The ispickle argument is a bool. It should be False if the file is not a pickle, but should be True if the file is a pickle.

The at_home argument is also a bool. It should be True if the file is at the home directory, but should be False otherwise. This argument is necessary as the path to the home directory differs from system to system, thus, if the files have to be synced between two different types of systems and be placed at the home directory, this argument is a must.

Once one has done this, the setup of pyRedunda is done.

Check out the other pages of the wiki to use pyRedunda.