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TopoBERT, a toponym recognition module based on a one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT).

The struture of the model is shown in the figure below:

image info


The model is trained using CoNLL-2003 and evaluated with Harvey2017.

Evaluated with Harvey2017 comparing with other popular models:

Model Precision Recall F1-score
Stanford NER (broad location) 0.729 0.440 0.548
spaCy NER (board location) 0.461 0.304 0.366
BiLSTM-CRF 0.703 0.600 0.649
DM_NLP 0.729 0.680 0.703
NeuroTPR 0.787 0.678 0.728
TopoBERT 0.898 0.835 0.865


geojson 2.5.0
matplotlib 3.4.3
nltk 3.6.5
numpy 1.21.2
pandas 1.3.3
regex 2021.9.30
scikit-learn 1.0
scipy 1.7.1
seaborn 0.11.2
seqeval 1.2.2
tokenizers 0.10.3
torch 1.9.1+cu102
torchvision 0.10.1+cu102
tqdm 4.62.3
transformers 4.11.2

How to deploy

  1. Clone the source codes and place in a path that your project can access.
  2. Download the pretrained models, unzip the file and place the folder with its original name in the pretrained_models folder.
  3. Download the required dependencies
  4. Ready to use.

Use case

from topo_bert import *  # Refer to the path you put your downloaded files

test_text = """HarveyStorm over Austin TX at 8: 00 AM CDT via Weather Underground"""
current_geoparser = TopoBERT()
result = current_geoparser.predict(test_text)

The demo output results:

	'combined_addresses': ['Austin', 'TX'],
	'address_result': ['Austin', 'TX'],
    'full_address': 'Austin TX',
	'org_result': [{
		'word': 'HarveyStorm',
		'tag': 'B-ORG',
		'confidence': 0.9983394145965576
	}, {
		'word': 'over',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.9998631477355957
	}, {
		'word': 'Austin',
		'tag': 'B-LOC',
		'confidence': 0.9995130300521851
	}, {
		'word': 'TX',
		'tag': 'B-LOC',
		'confidence': 0.9928538203239441
	}, {
		'word': 'at',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.9999804496765137
	}, {
		'word': '8',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.9999505281448364
	}, {
		'word': ':',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.9999704360961914
	}, {
		'word': '00',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.99994957447052
	}, {
		'word': 'AM',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.9463351368904114
	}, {
		'word': 'CDT',
		'tag': 'B-MISC',
		'confidence': 0.5280879735946655
	}, {
		'word': 'via',
		'tag': 'O',
		'confidence': 0.9999630451202393
	}, {
		'word': 'Weather',
		'tag': 'B-ORG',
		'confidence': 0.9993113279342651
	}, {
		'word': 'Underground',
		'tag': 'I-ORG',
		'confidence': 0.9984622001647949

How to train your own model

You can train your own model with the code below:

model_args_used = {
       "--cuda": "use GPU",
       "--pretrained_model": "bert-large-cased",
       "--num_of_labels": 12,
       "--model_hidden_layer_size": 1024,
       "--no_hidden_layers": 24,
       "--dropout": 0.1,
       "--out-channel": 16,
       "--freeze-bert": False,
       "--verbose": "whether to output the test results"

exp_train_config = {
           "--task_name": "bert_geoparsing",
           "--toponym_only": False,
           "--random_seed": 42,
           "--use_gpu": 1,
           "--train_data_type": "conll",
           "--validate_data_type": "conll",
           "--test_data_type": "conll",
           "--train_data_dir": "Put your own file absolute path here",
           "--validate_data_dir": "Put your own file absolute path here",
           "--test_data_dir": "Put your own file absolute path here",
           "--train_data_file": "train.txt",
           "--validate_data_file": "test.txt",
           "--test_data_file": "test.txt",
           "--is_validate": 1,
           "--is_test": 1,
           "--output_dir": "./outputs",
           "--cache_dir": "./cache",
           "--bert_model": "bert-large-cased",
           "--do_lower_case": False,
           "--max_seq_length": 128,
           "--training_epoch": 50,
           "--train_batch_size": 32,
           "--test_batch_size": 32,
           "--learning_rate": 5e-5,
           "--warm_up_proportion": 0.1,
           "--weight_decay": 0.01,
           "--adam_epsilon": 1e-8,
           "--max_grad_norm": 1.0,
           "--num_grad_accum_steps": 1,
           "--loss_scale": 0

model = BertCNN1DNer(model_config=model_args_used)
current_trainer = TopoBertModelTrainer(model, train_config = exp_train_config)


Source code for geoparser TopoBERT






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