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Converter of Gaussian Input files (.gjf) into suitable form for ONIOM calculations with custom force fields.


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This package was developed for Gaussian ONIOM and MM calculations.


Currently Gaussian uses built-in MM force fields, which may be not suited for some biologica calculations. In my case it was necessary to perform calculations in OL15 ffLib. Manualy I prepared force field replacement as it mentioned in official instructions, but it was frustrating to check and replace atom notations in several input ".gjf" files.

So I writed a Haskell project which take Gaussian Input files (.gjf) with PDB information (avaliable as option in GausView 6.0) like this:

# opt pm6 geom=connectivity

Title Card Required

0 1
 H(PDBName=H5',ResName=DA,ResNum=1_A)                 0  -10.03800000   -1.70400000   -1.56300000 L
 O(PDBName=O5',ResName=DA,ResNum=1_A)                 0   -9.22900000   -1.73000000   -1.04200000 L
 C(PDBName=C5',ResName=DA,ResNum=1_A)                 0   -9.24700000   -2.87600000   -0.20600000 L
 H(PDBName=H5',ResName=DA,ResNum=1_A)                0  -10.08000000   -2.79600000    0.49300000 L
 H(PDBName=H5'',ResName=DA,ResNum=1_A)                0   -9.38700000   -3.77200000   -0.81400000 L
 C(PDBName=C4',ResName=DA,ResNum=1_A)                 0   -7.94200000   -3.02700000    0.59200000 L

and convert it in something like this:

# opt pm6 geom=connectivity

Title Card Required

0 1
H-H5'-0.075400                 0  -10.03800000   -1.70400000   -1.56300000 L
O-O5'--0.495400                 0   -9.22900000   -1.73000000   -1.04200000 L
C-C5'--0.006900                 0   -9.24700000   -2.87600000   -0.20600000 L
H-H5'-0.075400                0  -10.08000000   -2.79600000    0.49300000 L
H-H5''-0.075400                0   -9.38700000   -3.77200000   -0.81400000 L
C-C4'-0.162900                 0   -7.94200000   -3.02700000    0.59200000 L

As You can see script touches only strings with keywords "PDBName=" and does nothing with others. Moreower if script cann't find apropriate replacement in the FF-library - corresponding string willn't be replaced. You should manualy check notation of these atoms, make the corrections and feed input file again.


Windows users:

  1. Place GaussianConverter.exe in folder with force field library file (.lib) and .gjf files, formatted as above.
  2. Launch PowerShell in the same folder and write ./GaussianConverter.exe -ff {ffLibName.lib}
  3. If everything OK you will be asked to input filename or type All. In the second variant (All) converter will processed all .gjf files in current directory.
  4. Find files converted_{filename.gjf} and check their content.
  5. Good luck in your further work.

Other platform users:

I haven't tested it yet on Linux platform, please try to perform the same steps as Windows user.


Converter of Gaussian Input files (.gjf) into suitable form for ONIOM calculations with custom force fields.







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