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SSzzPP edited this page Nov 7, 2023 · 3 revisions
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Welcome to the PlantsVSZombies wiki! here you can find the new PlantsVSZombies guide.

Note that this guide is only for Mac.

Before starting here's a few info to keep in mind:

  • When the game first starts, if the game window won't show up (there's just a long title bar). Drag this bar around the screen with the mouse and the game window will appear normally.

Getting started

  1. Visit releases page to download your favorite version
  2. Double-click on the DMG file to open it
  3. Drag the app file into the application folder
  4. Wait a moment, The app will appear in your Launchpad
  5. Click on the app icon to play

How to move the archive

  • XP users:

    Copy the userdata folder from the original game folder and continue playing.

  • vista/win7 users:

    Congratulations, you don't need to move the archive, just keep playing.


In case of issues read the troubleshooting page

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